The Legend of a Bushranger( only one shot- Completed)

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Okay, so this is my Historical narrative on Australia's FAMOUS(note the famous guys!) bushranger; Ned Kelly. Ned's is an Irish-Australian (full blood- both parents are irish), So yeah. this is why i dislike writing historical narratives lol...


November 11th 1880

The lights were really dimmed; I could feel the blazing heat in the prison. It was hot outside the building. I pulled at the collar of my uniform and used the back of my hand to wipe the sweat that is on my forehead. The footsteps of the other prison guards echoed through the building. “Charles!” I heard someone shouted, causing me to stop suddenly.

I turned around to see one of the Melbourne Gaol’s prison guards, walking quickly towards me. “What is it?” I asked.

He froze for a second before speaking, “It’s that Kelly’s execution today.” He simply said. My eyes widened for just one second. Then I frowned.

“T-that is today?” I stuttered a bit. And the other guard nodded, scratching the back of his neck. We heard shouts from the prisoners inside the cells. We looked at each other before quickly moving to the rail of the second floor. We looked down and frowned.

“What time is Ned’s execution?” I asked, still staring at the struggling guards, than looking up at James.

He looked at me with a blank expression on his face, as he thought for a moment. “It’s at ten,” He finally replied. I frowned. Is it in the morning or in the night? He must have seen my confused expression, since he quickly expands his answer. “It is at ten o’clock in the morning, mate.”

We looked down again as we heard someone was yelling at us. “OI!” our boss yelled at us. I flinched a bit, as it echoed in the building once again. It is starting to get hot in here. There is nothing to keep us cool from the heat. I pulled out my pocket watch from my uniform pocket.

“Get down here!” he shouted again. Causing both of us to run down the stairs to the bottom floor, he looked at us before walking away toward one of the old cells. The sounds of our feet hitting the metal stairs echoed each time we move from one step to the other. We slowed down when we got closer to the man who called us down.

“It’s almost time for Ned’s execution.” Our boss simply said, his eyes showed a bit of sympathy for the poor bloke. I won’t admit this. But I feel bad for Ellen Kelly, Ned’s mother and for his siblings. I heard someone let out a frustrated sigh, which caused me to push my thoughts of the Kelly family far back in my head.

“This bloody heat!” Constable Alexander Fitzpatrick muttered, as he walked towards us. “Why aren’t going to grab that low life cold blooded killer?” causing James and I to flinched slightly at his old cruel words. The freaking bloke needs to calm the down, he has grudges against Ned.

I was the first out of the three to answer the Constable, “Ah… Right… we’re just getting to that sir.” I answered a little nervously. Constable Fitzpatrick cracked a small smile and nodded, putting his hands behind his back.

 “Good,” he said sharply, and looked at me with a hard glare. I frowned at him and shake my head in annoyance. “Now go grab that bastard!” I nodded once and walked off to the prison cell Ned was in. poor young bloke.  Poor, poor bloke.

 Walking further and further in the prison, taking in each and every details of the building, it was getting hot. I stopped in front of a very old cell which held the so-called “Killer” Ned inside. I pulled out the key and put in the key hold, turning it until I heard a faint click of the door opened.

I pushed door the open and gave Ned a small smile which he returned back, “I’m guessing it’s time ay?” he asked, sighing and getting up from hard bed and walking toward me. I sighed and nodded.

“I wish I could say no mate, but yes,” I answered his question softly, before continuing. “It is time…” he nodded. Accepting what was installed for him. James and I grabbed his arms. Half dragging him to where his faith would end him.

Ned gave a small smile to the man in black ropes with a bible and a rosary in his hand. It was the priest who baptised Ned as a baby. We put Ned in the middle of the execution room where there’s a rope hanging above us in a lope.

Ned’s punishment for robbing two banks; one in Euroa and the other is in Jerilderie, Stealing horses and cattle, killed three police officers, and end up in a gun fight with the police in Glenrowan. But when Ned was a only a teenager he saved an police officer from drowning in the river. We do not know if he was a villain or a hero.

I watched on from the side as the priest blessed the young man, before stepping away from Ned with a sad look in his eyes. I did not want to be here, I didn’t want to see this man die, when we have no clue if he was a villain or a hero. He was way too young. Ned sighed and looked us, he was calm. He knew this is last moment to live

“I guess it has come to this” he finally said, calmly, way too calmly. He lost his friends and most of all his own brother. Dan Kelly. Dan was also a part of the Kelly gang and he too had died at a young age. The next words were followed shortly after the last ones. “Such is life.”

The other prison guards put the death mask on him, so we would see his face when his life ends as his life drains before us. The floor dropped opened where Ned was standing. Now here was Ned hanged by his neck and the only thing holding his limped body was the rope around his neck.

In truth, he may be dead. But his name gained “Immortality” for children to learn about him in the next generations. But now he’ll be known as Australia’s most famous legend as a bushranger.


This was ment to be 600 words assignment daft well 600 words my ass.... end up being 1, 035 words.. XD

two pages long and not one page long lol... alwell... xD

Well i hope you like it :)

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