Father's Day special

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Ha you thought this would be a normal chapter, BUT IT WAS ME A FATHER'S DAY SPECIAL!

Normal chapter will be posted soon :)

Rito POV

"Too bright.."

I woke up on a Sunday morning to the sun attacking my eyes.

Wait. Sun? Usually I wake up earlier than this, why didn't my alarm wake me up?

I rolled myself out of bed like the adult I am and started sorting through my closet

Yellow black, yellow black, yellow black, Ooo black and yellow let's mix it up a bit (no Rito's wardrobe is not all black and yellow, just for the sake of a reference)

I got changed and shuffled myself down the stairs, that is until my nostrils were assaulted by the smell of something burning





The girls continued to argue as the eggs that were on the stove lit on fire




I stood at the bottom of the stairs watching as my two daughters set my kitchen on fire.

It's too early for this shit

Yuki scrambled around looking for the fire extinguisher to put out the growing flame in the kitchen

I guess I should help em

I walked over to where we keep the fire extinguisher and grabbed it, then I put out the fire with the foam. Getting my two daughters a little foamy in the process

"Papa! You saved us!"

"Thanks for putting out the fire Rito!"

This is going to be a long day

Time Skippy

The three of us sat down at the table looking at the food infront of us

Burnt pancakes, burnt bacon, and-
How the hell did they burn orange juice?!

"Happy father's day Papa! Look at the yummy breakfast we made you!"

"Thank you girls for making this, but are you sure it's edible?"

"Yuki, I think he's got a point. I think we should just go out for breakfast"


Time Skippy

"Big sister I thought you said you knew where you were going!"

"I do! I do! I just probably missed the street or something!"

Jinko said she knew of a great breakfast place nearby, so we thought we should go there. Appearently she didn't know how to get to the place though

This is just great...

"But we've been walking for an hour!"

" Ahhhh! Yuki stop distracting me!"

Time Skippy

We finally made it to the breakfast place, but by the time we got there they were already closed. Appearently I woke up later than I thought and then it took us too long to get here

"How about we go to the place across the street for lunch?" Jinko suggested

At this point I would go anywhere as long as they have food

Jinko led us into a ramen shop across the street where a waitress sat us down in a comfortable booth in the back corner

"Three pork ramens please"

She wrote it down and walked away

Jinko POV

"We're sorry for almost burning down the kitchen Rito, we just wanted to make a father's day breakfast" I said to him, I could tell he wasn't exactly happy about it

"It's alright, you did the best you could, but I'm not letting you guys use the stove without me around ever again"

We nodded and continued to wait for out food

We were in the middle of a conversation when I noticed three very familiar looking people walk through the door. An average sized brown haired guy, a woman with spikey ash blonde hair, and their son who also had spikey ash blonde hair and a slightly irritated look on his face

This will either go really good or really bad

The waitress sat them down at the table next us

"Two spicy ramens and one pork ramen" I heard Mitsuki say

I saw Katsuki's eyes scan around the place before they landed on me

Shit I've been spotted

I gave him a small wave, he waved back. This caught the attention of his family who looked at who he was waving at

"Ah Jinko! It's so nice to see you!" Mitsuki said from her table which was very close to ours

"It's nice to see you too Mitsuki"

"Big Sister who are they?" Yuki asked

Crap, I forgot that I hadn't introduced my family to the Bakugo's yet

"Uhhh Yuki, this is my best friend Katsuki Bakugo and his family, Mitsuki and Masuru"

"Awww Jinko! Your sister is adorable! And this must be your dad! Hello it's nice to meet you!" Mitsuki said as she stuck her hand out and shook Rito's hand

I really wanna go home

Time Skippy

After our small interaction with the Bakugou's the waitress brought us our ramen. Once we finished we left to go back home

"Okay I don't know about you girls but I'm already tired out" Rito said and both Yuki and I nodded

"How about we just go home and watch a movie?"

We all agreed on that idea, and so we went home and watched the Lion King and with that our father's day adventure came to an end.

A/N Okay I honestly feel like this was really poorly written but I'm going to roll with it anyway, and omg Thank you guys so much for 1k!! Ahhhh I was so happy when I saw that. You guys are the best and keep on doing what you're doing :)

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