Father's Day

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We interrupt your regularly scheduled story cliffhanger to bring you: Father's Day! An Optality sort of (Optimism x Morality) Tribute to Patton.

Please enjoy:

~Not an Actual Chapter~

It was a normal average everyday Sunday. Patton was seated on the couch, watching Steven Universe, as you do.

He smiled as he watched the theme song for maybe the twelfth time that day, he'd been watching for a while.

He was alone in the living room.

Before he was attacked.

"PATTON" Kenzie yelled as she jumped on him.

Patton let out a yell of surprise as he looked at her

"What? What's wrong?" He asked, worried that something had happened


"It is? I hadn't realized" Patton said, looking at her.

"How??" She asked

"I don't have the calender Logan does" he said

"Oh! Well Happy Father's Day Patton!" She said, handing him a gift bag

"Kenzie! Kiddo you didn't have to get me anything" he said, looking at the bag

"I wanted to silly!" She said, "anything for my Happy Pappy Papa Pal Patton"

Patton laughed "Okay! Thanks!" He said, opening it quickly.

In the bag were three different plushies.

One was a black and white cat, the next was a Siberian husky, and the third was dog that was dressed like him.

"Aw! They're so cute!" Patton gushed, "Oh I love it!"

"Yeah?" She asked, grinning

"Yeah!" He said happily, hugging her.

"I'm so glad!" She said happily, "but I also have another surprise for you!"

"Another?" Patton asked

"Of course!" She said, hopping up.

She offered him a hand

"Patton do you trust me?" She asked

He laughed "what?"

"I said do you trust me??" She asked

He laughed "are you just quoting Aladdin?" He asked

She gave him a look

He grinned and took her hand "yes I trust you"

"Good!" She said, before practically dragging him out of the house

"Where are we going?" He asked

"We're going where the road takes us" she replied, beginning to walk down the street with him.

"Oh? Okay" he said

"We're actually just going down the street but I wanted it to seem mysterious" she said with a small shrug.

He chuckled "Okay"

After a few minutes of walking, Kenzie stopped and pulled a piece of cloth out of her pocket.

Patton gave her a confused look.

"What's thi-" he cut himself ofd when she put the cloth over his eyes.

Now he was blinded.

"Kenzie? What's happening?" He asked

"Just follow me!" She said, taking his hand again.

He smiled and let her lead him.

She smiled as she entered a park. She waved at the other sides and Thomas who were stood in a decorated area of it.

Kenzie pulled him toward them and stopped him. She adjusted where he stood then said "stay here"

She looked at the others

"Are we good?" She asked

"Yep." Virgil responded, "everything's ready"

"Great!" She said before turning to Patton.

"Okay! Take off your blindfold!" She said, stepping to the side.

Patton nodded and took off his blindfold.

His eyes widened as he looked around.

They were in a rather large park. In front of him was a picnic table decorated with a table cloth and Father's Day balloons. The other sides and Thomas stood around it.

"Surprise!" Kenzie said, "did I surprise you? Are you surprised?"

He looked at her, she was staring at him with hopeful eyes.

"Yes! I'm very surprised!" Patton said, "is this a party? For me?"

"Yes!" Kenzie said

"Happy Father's Day Patton" Thomas spoke up

"Aww! Thanks you guys! This is all so cool!!" He said with a happy grin

"It was Mackenzie's idea" Logan stated

"Really?" He asked. The sides all nodded.

He looked at her and she smiled happily

"Thanks Kenzie!" He said, pulling her into a tight hug

She was surprised for a moment but grinned and hugged him back.

He kissed the top of her head then pulled away.

They all sat down at the picnic table together as Patton opened the gifts they'd gotten him.

Roman had gotten him a shirt covered in Disney dads. Triton, Maurice, etcetera. Virgil had given him a shirt as well one that said 'my favorite child gave this to me'. Logan, quite surprisingly, had bought him a book called Dad Jokes, the punniest book ever.

Thomas gave him a bunch of cookies.

Patton grinned as he looked at all his gifts

"Thanks so much you guys! But you know that being here with me would've been enough for me" Patton said

"We wanted to celebrate you! Being our resident dad, you play a big part in our lives! In the lives of our readers too!" Kenzie said

"Kenzie for the last time. We are not in a book" Logan said

"That's what you think" Kenzie said

Patton laughed

"Well thanks you guys!" He said happily, hugging each of them.

"You're welcome! Between the six of us you are a star and you shine brightest of all!" Roman said

Patton grinned as he looked at all of them.

"Thanks guys!" He said happily.

They all grinned at him. Well Virgil didn't grin. He doesn't grin per say but he smiled.

They all sat around the table together, talking, laughing, eating cookies.

Just spending the day together.

Let's just say that Patton had a very very happy father's day.

The end.

Now back to your regularly scheduled drama.

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