Chapter 1

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Blossoms POV

I walked downstairs and grabbed my pink tennie shoes. I picked up my red jacket and car keys. I ran out the door to see my red car. I sighed and started the car.

I went to pick up Bubbles and Buttercup. They smiled at me and I raised my eyebrow at them.

"Its your birthday is next Wensday!" They yelled together.

"Yeah I know." I mumbled.

They sighed and I drove up to the schools parking lot. I saw Brick and Boomer and Butch waiting by the door for us. Boomer took Bubbles to Visual Arts as Butch took Buttercup to Gym/P.E. I waved at them and walked to Math 1 Honors with Brick.

He smiled at me and I just looked at him. We down at the last road and all the boys started to looked at me. I sighed and stared at my notebook.

I heard a chair moved. I looked up and saw a guy with brown shaggy hair with bright blue eyes. He smiled and I heard Brick scoffed.

"So your Blossom." The guy said with a certain accent.

"Whos asking?" I mumbled.

"I am, im Brandon." He said as he held out his hand. I stared at his hand. He laughed and Brick glared at him.

"Go away from her." Brick snapped at Brandon. I looked at Brick and he smiled at me. I shooked my head and Brandon walked away.

Brick put his hand on my shoulder and I shooked it off. The bell rung and I jumped up. I ran outside to my car. I took a deep breath and put my head on my arms.

Bricks POV

I looked at Blossom dispearing body. I sighed and walked out to meet my brothers and Bubbles and Buttercup. I looked at Boomer he shooked his head.

We walked to the libary for our free period. We sat down and Boomer gave me a look.

"Why does Blossom close everyone out?" I asked the girls. Buttercup narrowed her eyes and Bubbles stared into space.

"She'll tell you when shes ready." Bubbles said.

"So drop it." Buttercup snap. I nodded and sighed. I looked down at the table. I will crack her walls.

Im not trying to sound a selfish person. I really do care about Blossom feelings. I want her to be happy, I want her to be mine. I smiled at that thought.

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