Chapter 4

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Bricks POV

I woke up by being shaked by Bubbles. She smiled at me and Boomer wrapping my arm. I looked over at Blossom, Buttercup and her was talking lowly. Butch eyebrows was furred up.

"Whats happening?" I asked as Bubbles smile drop.

"Something happen." She said as Boomer touch her arm.

"You'll know soon. But why did you cut and jumped through a window?" Boomer said as he crossed his arms.

"I uhhh. Well. Ummm. I dont know." I said as Boomer slapped the back of my head. Butch and Buttercup laughed as Blossom rushed to my side.

"Thats stupid reason Brick!" Boomer and Bubbles yelled together.

"Yeah yeah, I know Mr. Know it all and his wife Mrs. Know it all." I said as they blushed.

"Now that was golden!" Butch yelled as him and Buttercup high fived.

"Are you ok?" I asked Blossom.

"Fine you?" She asked as I saw pain through her eyes.

"Fine. Uhh, guys can I talk to Blossom privatly?" I asked as Bubbles and Butch dragged out Buttercup and Boomer nodded.

"Why did you cut, Brick." Blossom asked as her voice broke.

"Blossom dont cry, my red heart. I promise I wont do it again if you dont shut us out." I told her as I wrapped my arms around her.

"I promise if you do too." She said as she smiled in my chest.

"Promise, now do you wanna eat at the dinner down the street?"

"Sure!" She as her eyes beamed.

Blossoms POV

We walked in the dinner and got the subs with chips. Hey, I need junk food in my system.

"So do you hate me?" Brick asked as I frowned.

"No never. Why would you ask that?" I asked him and he grabbed my hand.

"Just making sure Red Heart." He said as I giggled.

"Red Heart?"

"Ehh, a nickname it could be RH for short."

"I love it, Building."


"Yeah, your name is Brick so like a brick building."

"Funny." He said as our food came over.

"I know." I said as I took a bit from sub. He laughed and shooked his head.

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