Chapter 5

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Blossoms POV

I walked down the street. I turned and got pulled in a alley. Great, its them.

"Blossom, you told us to hurt Brick. You saved him when we tried." A whinny voice said.

"No I said to NOT hurt Brick, Ravi." I said as I crossed my arms.

"Thats not what we heard." A girl voice said.

"Well get hearing aids!"  I yelled.

"Look Bloss honey, you told us to NOT too but you know we do the opposite." Ravi said as I rolled my eyes.

"Dont hurt Brick, Kay. Now bye." I said as I walked out with people looking at me.

"Watch you back!" He yelled as I walked on. I kept my head up and walked in the mall. I met with Bubbles and Buttercup along with Boomer and Butch.

I smiled and they smiled back ad Boomer stared at the ground. I sighed and we walked to the foodcourt. I walked with Buttercup and Butch to get pizza and soda as Bubbles and Boomer grabbed salad.

We sat at a six seat table. I looked at the door to see Brick walk in. I smiled and saw him walked over. He fix his cap and took some of my food. I didnt argue we all sat and talk about random things, just hanging out like a famliy.

"So yall wanna come to the artshow, that we are in?" Bubbles and Boomer asked together.

"Wouldnt miss it." Brick and I said together.

"There will be music, correct?" Butch said as he rubbed his chin with us laughing.

"Yes." Boomer said as he copied Butch.

"Well we will be there good sir." Butch said in a bristish accent.

"Well we hope to see you sir." Boomer said with a french accent that sent us laughing. I wiped away tears from my eyes and layed my head on Bricks shoulder. He layed his head on mine with a sigh.

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