010 • i'll be right back

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"fell in love with a heart that beats so slow."

It wasn't very hard for Annabel to realize that her happy place is wherever Jerome is

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It wasn't very hard for Annabel to realize that her happy place is wherever Jerome is. It also wasn't very hard for her to point out why she liked him so much, the shame that came along with loving him barely still evident in her life. She didn't really notice it but Jerome did. He saw it in the way she didn't hesitate anymore to kiss him back or didn't think twice about trusting him, and he felt like he succeeded. She was truly his now. A future with Annabel was so much more likely now and it's all he was ever looking forward to, taking over Gotham with Annabel by his side. The king and queen of Gotham, as he liked to call them. It was all really part of a plan, as everything in his life seemed to be. Jerome was a control freak and liked to make sure everything would go his way, or he'd get angry and tug on everyone's strings. One thing that used to frustrate him was how he couldn't seem to control Annabel's thoughts about him, it made him insecure really. He didn't like to doubt himself or Annabel. But lately he doesn't seem to mind it anymore.

Annabel felt Jerome grab and intertwine their fingers as he was driving. She still wasn't sure where they were going but she was excited nonetheless. She felt so unbothered and relaxed being outside and safe with Jerome. No Theo or anyone to worry about. Jerome hummed a lullaby while he took a right turn and neon lights reflected on his face. His ever staying smile grew bigger and Annabel smiled at that too.

"I heard about this part of town." She said, looking around. It was busy on the streets and every once in a while she heard someone yell or laugh loudly.

"I come here when i want to escape Theo and the other looneys," Jerome replies. "Although there's even more of those here."

Annabel knew this was the criminal going out scene part of town but she didn't really care. At least this meant she wouldn't run into anyone she knows - or knew, she supposes. Especially not the police as they had little to no power here. There were too many criminals together to form a strong front against them. At least, that's what her father always told her. Annabel gets chills at the thought of her father and how he must miss her and part of her wants him to come and get her, even if it's just for a bit, but she quickly shakes that thought off.
Jerome points to what seems like a bar. "That's where we're going to go, i have some friends there." Annabel nods and secretly feels a bit let down, she didn't expect it to be a very romantic evening but she'd still rather not spend it with total strangers, even if they're Jerome's friends. Although she suspects he doesn't like them that much.
Jerome takes a right turn and parks the little van they're sitting in. It's a classic creepy, white van, Annabel notices. Guess it's very on theme.

"Let's go, kitten."

When they arrive at the bar, Annabel feels herself tense up. She feels multiple intrusive eyes follow her as she walks next to Jerome, who doesn't seem to notice but still has a protective hand on her right hip, mainly so she won't get lost in the crowd. Talking about crowds, Annabel's has never seen such a busy bar. Although she can't really judge as she's never set a foot into one. The bar is pretty dark with a few neon lights that hang on the walls lighting up the rooms. Annabel's sees people's faces turning when they see Jerome, obviously recognizing him and being intimidated.
It makes her feel better about being around these people as Jerome obviously holds some sort of power of them all, and she even feels a bit more powerful because of it. And special. Special because she's the girl Jerome leads around and the only one seemingly for him. King and queen of Gotham, Annabel remembers him saying that and she smiles.
Jerome stops walking suddenly, "go and sit down here, i'll be right back." he tells her and Annabel's frowns at him, confused.

"Don't you think that's like, dangerous?" She asks him but Jerome doesn't seem to even hear her as he walks off. Annabel sighs, pulling her jacket on a little tighter so she feels less exposed and sits down on one of the chairs that are standing around a table. This side of the bar seems to be the least busy and Annabel is thankful for that. She feels confused as to why Jerome would just leave her alone, especially somewhere like this but she's sure he's just getting some drinks or talking to his so called friends, probably to make sure everything will go well. Annabel tries to remind herself that Jerome wouldn't just put her into danger for nothing and nothing is going to happen as long as he's near.
Annabel doesn't even notice a few minutes have passed until she hears some guy tell the time to a woman sitting close to her, and Annabel feels herself getting worried again. She's sure there's a good reason Jerome isn't back and he's fine, but her anxiety tells her otherwise. Annabel fiddles with her fingers, eyes anxiously shooting around the bar for any sign of the red head, but he doesn't seem to be here. Annabel frowns and eventually stands up, grabbing her jacket and quickly puts it on, before grabbing her purse too and making her way away from the table she was sitting at earlier. She feels a pair of eyes on her again but ignores it, telling herself it's just some creep.
Annabel walks over to a door next to the bar, and opens it to reveal a hallway. Jerome went this way, so he must be here, right? She wonders.

"Jerome?" She calls, but no answer returns to her. Annabel mentally curses out Theo for taking away her phone as she doesn't want to do anything more than call Jerome right now.
Then there's a sound. It's a loud bang like someone is being pushed against the wall in front of her, yet she doesn't see anyone. A little to her right in front of her is a door and because Annabel's eyes are now used to bad lightening in the hallway, she can see the door handle shake. Her first instinct is to run away but she can't get herself to move.

"Jerome?" Annabel calls out again, her voice barely a whimper this time. There's another bang and her breath picks up, anxiety flowing through her veins.
Annabel takes a deep breath in and walks towards the door, hand hovering over the door handle before closing her eyes shut and pulling it open.

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