Chapter 1

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Shhh" The woman whispered holding the crying child close. Shouting sounded in the distance, followed by gunshots. "We're going to play the quiet game alright?" The woman asked the little girl. The little girls blonde pigtails bobbled as she nodded her head feverishly. She was going to do great at this game! "Okay, we have to be very quiet. Whoever goes the longest without making a sound wins!" The woman smiled at the child. She began to gently sway while the little one sat on her lap looking at her with large blue eyes. The door to the closet they had locked themselves into suddenly burst open. Shards of wood barely missed the two. "Brooke, you okay?" Dean looked down to see his younger sister cradling the child of the man he had just killed. Brooklyn nodded and quickly grabbed his extended hand. He helped the pair up and gave the little girl his most comforting smile. "How about we take you around back to see your mommy?" The girl squealed with joy. "Mommy!" She screamed and jumped from the brunette woman's arms and ran towards her mother. The siblings smiled at the sight. "Thank you. Thank you both" The mother said softly with tears in her eyes.

Brooke and Dean climbed into the black Impala waiting in the driveway. "That was a close call. I have no idea how Sammy figured out the guy was a Shapeshifter." He said as he emptied the silver bullets from the magazine he held in his left hand, to replace them with regular bullets. "No clue. I hadn't even figured it out until I saw the security camera in the kids room." Brooke shook her head. The story could have ended so differently for the small family if it wasn't for the Winchester's showing up.

The siblings pulled into the empty parking lot of their ran down motel. "Come on, let's see if Sammy wants to grab some burgers." Dean nudged her shoulder. He lead the way towards room 105. Brooke stood behind her older brother while he unlocked the red wooden door. As soon as the door was open voices rang out. "Happy birthday!" Brooke was shocked. She looked around the room at the all the different faces. Her older brother Sam, her father John, uncle Bobby, and her oldest brother Dean all smiled back at her. Her family had all stopped their different hunts to come together for her 18th birthday. "Guys you didn't have to do this." She awkwardly rubbed her neck. She hated being the center of attention. Blending in had always been more her style. "Of course we did. Happy birthday princess." Her father John smiled down at her. The fact that he had shown up told Brooklyn that one, if not both, of her brothers and Bobby had to do some serious convincing to get the man to show up. "Thank you daddy" She smiled as he kissed her on the forehead. "Alright, my turn!" Bobby slapped John on the shoulder. "Brooke, it seems like yesterday you were just knee high to a grasshopper. Now you're all grown up. You've always been a good girl and one hell of a hunter." Bobby looked at her with misty eyes. The man who was like a father to her engulfed her into a bone crushing hug. "I love you girl." He whispered. "I love you too Bobby" She said as her voice broke. Sam gathered the much shorter girl into his arm and spoke in a low voice. "I know you're not much on parties, but we need to spend time together. So please, just this once." He pulled back and gaver her the famous Sam Winchester puppy dog eyes. Brooke rolled her eyes playfully and nodded to her brother. "No more chick flick moments. Let's drink!" Dean yelled over the small talk. He passed beers to each guest.

After the party was over Brooke slipped outside to have a few moments alone. She loved having her family all together, but it was always best when they were gathered for a hunt, not to focus on her. She leaned against the hood of the Impala and looked up to the starry night. "Did you have fun tonight?" John leaned against the car beside of her. "I did. Just needed some fresh air." She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Listen, I wanted to talk to you about something." She could hear the hesitation in her father's voice. "Okay. What about?" She kept her tone light and airy. "I'm going to head out tomorrow morning." Brooke had no clue what the big deal was. "Okay? I'll pack a bag. Just let me know what time to set the alarm for." She kept her eyes closed and felt the gentle summer breeze on her cheeks. "No honey, I'm going alone." Brooke's eyes shot open. Since she was old enough to hunt she had always went with her dad. They were a team. Dean was allowed to hunt alone while Sam was in college, but Brooke never left John's side. "Oh. How long you gonna be gone?" She tried to keep her voice casual. "I'm not sure. I'll keep in touch though." The pair stood in a comfortable silence for a few moments before Brooke finally spoke. "I'm glad you came tonight dad." She smiled. "I wouldn't miss it for the world. It's hard to believe that my baby is an adult now." John swiped at the stray tear that fell from his hazel eyes. He straighted up and put on his usual stern face. "Now, let's go talk to your brothers."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2019 ⏰

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