Chapter 2

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(Morning after the event)

Namjoon P.O.V

It was the morning after the incident and you were still pretty shaken up. Although, you still decided to go to school, not wanting to tarnish your perfect record. So, you got dressed and styled your hair for the day.

(I know the hair is different from what it is in the character introduction)

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(I know the hair is different from what it is in the character introduction)

You went to the kitchen, grabbing a pop tart and apple, before grabbing your backpack and heading to school on foot. You used to use a skateboard, but not anymore after continuously falling and hurting yourself. Yes, you were very clumsy. You snapped out of your daze when you reached the front gate. You were severely shaking and still extremely paranoid after last nights ordeal. It was obvious that you saw something you shouldn't have.

You headed to your class, which was math. Soon the bell rang and the school day started. Though no matter what happened last night, you still paid attention and tried to take notes. But something just felt off today.


"So did we find pretty boy here in the database?" Taehyung asked

"Yep, Kim Namjoon, 17, goes to Eastside High. Exceptionally good student, no referrals, not a single trace of him being trouble in any database worldwide." Yeonjun quickly answered.

"Though he seems to have a pretty big hospital record, as well as his mom. He goes in there at least 4 times a month for himself and twice a month for his mother." Hoseok stated

(They're on different computers, but both looking at Namjoons international database records.)

"What does he do to have to go to the hospital that much?" Jin questioned

"Well based on his medical profile he's very clumsy. He's got injuries such as infected scrapes and broken or sprained bones on multiple occasions. Namjoon also has a lot of head injuries, like getting staples or stitches on his head from falling, and he has a long history of concussions." Yoongi stated as he was hunched over next to Hoseok looking at the screen of the computer.

"Continue.." Soobin stated

"Though for his mother she has a terminal illness. Based on the information in her medical profile, she has pancreatic cancer at the moment. It also seems that the chemo is not helping as much as the doctors would hope." Stated Hoseok and Yeonjun at the same time.

"Is there anything about a dad in the picture?" Asked Yoongi

"Well, he's been wiped from every known database. But, he's still on the ones that are for the underground and black market. His dad left the family after Namjoon's mother got pregnant with him. Got himself into some trouble with gangs. Found dead 11 years ago when Namjoon was 9." Stated Hoseok after a few more seconds of keyboard clicking.

"How did he die?" Jungkook questioned, though already knowing why he most likely died.

"Execution style shooting, one shot to the back of the head, the other through his back and straight into the heart." Yeonjun reported back to the others in the room.

"You said Namjoon was a good student. What do you mean by that?" Jin asked intrigued.

"He's never had any grade below a 102%, everything's turned in on time. Never late nor absent. He does a lot of community service, tutors at least 3 times a week while balancing his 3 jobs, which he needs to help pay for his mother's hospital bills. No trouble in school, no trouble with the cops. Seeing from a lot of peoples reports on him, he's very innocent, naive, and really kind. Doesn't seem like the kind to tell anyone what he saw, he's probably scared out of his mind." Beomgyu answered

"Good Job, does he have any siblings?" Jungkook asked

"Yes, he has two, a younger sister and an older brother. Names are Minhyun and Jooyeon."

"What's their record?"

"Well, they are the opposite of Namjoon, both got in a lot of trouble at school and with the cops growing up. Minhyun was in juvenile detention for 3 years because she attacked a police officer who was trying to subdue her. They both have a history of heroin, ecstasy, and alcohol, as well as cigarettes and weed. Jooyeon was in rehab for 2 years, was put in a mental institution for a year. And at the moment is in reform school at age 22. Minhyun is known in the underground as a quite skilled assassin, good for getting information and money out of people. Jooyeon did drug dealing for about a year. They both also partied a lot and are still highly known in the underground and despite one being in reform school they are both still very active." Taehyun answered this time

"Jooyeon seems to be the brains and Minhyun is the muscle. Though they both could be trouble. But they're both obviously smart and skilled." Jungkook said.

"You said Jooyeon was in reform school. Then where is Minhyun?" Questioned Taehyung.

"Well, she's off the grid if that's what you are asking. She's spotted around quite a bit but no one knows where she lives at the moment." Hoseok repeated back the information he read.

"What do you mean by spotted around?"

"Oh my God, it means she's seen all across Seoul. She's frequently seen visiting her brother who gets out in less than a month, she's been seen buying groceries and food. To put it simply the duo are very skilled and very dangerous." Taehyun stated.

"Wait so Namjoon is 20 and Jooyeon is 22? How old is Minhyun?" Jin questioned.

"Based on records and her birthday she turns 16 December 18th."

"We get him tonight. And Jimin why have you been quiet this whole time?" Taehyung questioned

"Just don't feel well, but it's probably in my head." Jimin responded frazzled.

"Everyone get ready for tonight," Jungkook stated before leaving the room, the rest following behind.

~Namjoon P.O.V~

It was finally the end of the day. Just like every other day nothing happened. You walked out the school gate searching through the people and cars to find Jimin's. You couldn't find it and were confused until you got a message.

To Namjoon from Jimin:

Something came up and I can't pick you up today. Sorry Joon

To Jimin:

It's okay. You always do a lot for me anyways. I can just walk home.


You just sighed before heading home on foot. Not that you really mind, you love looking at all the flowers and beautiful scenery.

When you arrived home, your mom wasn't there, which made you confused because she never really left unless she had to. You just figured it was fine she did it once in a while anyway.

You just decided to do your homework and write some lyrics before listening to music while getting ready for work. To be honest you really didn't want to go but you really needed the money and didn't want to let Mr. Moon down. He always let you keep the tips at the end of the night and still gave full pay.

You couldn't find your name tag but it was nothing new you tended to lose things often. So you just didn't think much of it being gone.

You just started on your way to work.

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