Teen!Haytham x Teen!Reader : ModernAU!

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I Didn't Mean to Say That.
Rain poured down from the sky as I waited on my porch for Haytham to pick me up. My parents had started a drunken fight in the kitchen... again. Instead of listening to their bickering, I locked myself in my room and tried to do homework. I attempted to drown out the noise of their insufferable screaming with my music, but even that wouldn't help. And in a flash, my backpack was sling on my shoulder, my phone in my hand, and my head was pounding. My legs lazily brought myself outside of my house as I called my friend Haytham to pick me up and take me to his house. Thankfully, he wasn't busy and told me he was on his way now.

My foot tapped impatiently, waiting for Haytham's arrival. And soon enough, a nice Mercedes rolled up to my driveway. I grinned and ran to the passenger's side, immediately getting in and not wanting to get the inside of his car wet.

"Hey Haytham! Thanks for picking me up!" I exclaimed whilst putting on my seatbelt.

"You're welcome, (Y/N.) But do tell me why do you need to go to my house at this time?" The car was already backing up and we were already on our way to his house.

"Oh yeah, see my parents got drunk again and they started fighting, and yadda yadda yadda. It got so noisy I just had to leave." I explained, picking at my nails.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Haytham's gaze flick to me for a moment and then back to the road. "But why my house? Couldn't you just go to the cafe like you usually do?" Haytham questioned.

I let out a giggle, my left hand going to pat his shoulder as I sighed. "Well, your house is really nice and I need help with homework!" I chirped. Haytham chuckled in response, his laugh was so nice to listen to.

I do admit, it wasn't just his house. I've had a crush on Haytham for years now, ever since we met in middle school, but I've been too shy to admit it.

Then the ride continued in silence, but only for a little bit.

"So do your parents fight all the time?" Haytham inquired out of nowhere.

I grinned and answered, "Oh yeah, all the time! When I was a kid, it wasn't that bad. Just glaring at each other. I noticed it but I didn't think much of it. Then they started yelling, and then drinking and I can go on and on and on. Sometimes it gets so bad to the point where I just snuck out in the middle of the night when they were fighting and just stayed at the library for the whole night." I chuckled.

"I just wish they weren't my parents? Like- ok, I like to think I'm mature just naturally, but when I look back on it, they're not really good parents and I could've turned out way worse. Like a delinquent or something." I added.

Haytham laughed, glancing at me again. "Fine then. I'll be your dad now. And your mom. So you won't have to deal with them anymore. I'll be your... dom."

At first, what he said didn't register with me, and I just laughed. But then the realization hit me in the face and I spun around to face him, my mouth agape.

"Did you just.."

"Did I what?" Haytham squinted his eyes, trying to register what he said. Then his face started to go red, finally realizing what he had said.

"I didn't- I didn't mean- not-" he stuttered, eyes wide as he gave out an awkward chuckle.

I bursted our laughing, my mood skyrocketing. It was so weird to hear him say something like that and it was just too much for me.

My laughter kept going for a few minutes, as his face became redder each second. Soon, I stopped laughing and wiped the non existent tears from my eyes. My hand moved to his shoulder and I squeezed it reassuringly.

"It's ok, I won't tell anyone you said that... daddy." I whispered, a smirk growing on my face.

Haytham jolted onto the breaks as the car swerved onto the side of the road, luckily not hitting anything. I immediately wrapped my arm that was already on his shoulder around his own arm, clutching onto it tightly.

Then we cane to a complete stop and I just exploded with laughter, with actual tears coming out my eyes this time. I rested my head on his shoulder and slapped his arm over and her.

"I can't believe I actually said that! I'm sorry Haytham!" I examined in between laughter. I lifted my head to look up to him, and his face could not have been any redder. He stared at me as I kept laughing.

"I- uh- please don't distract me like that again.." He muttered, looking away from me as he covered his face.

He liked it. I can tell.

I grinned and let go of his arm to bring my hands onto his cheeks and turn his head around. I moved his hands away from his face and pinched his cheek.

"Fine, you big goof." And on we went, to his house.


I hope you liked it! :D hhhh i haven't written in a while plz forgive me ;;;

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2019 ⏰

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