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january 17th

minho walked down the cool streets , earphones in and cigarette in hand. it was around eleven thirty pm and the blonde was making his way to the park. a gentle breeze blew through his hair as he walked along the concrete blocks ,  sticking his arms out for extra balance. hopping down he made his way to the playset , sitting himself on a swing anc tapping his cigarette on the chain. a small rustling was heard and minho took out his remaining earphone , turning to the source of the noise.

" hey minho ." chan smiled as he sat on the swing next to the boy.

" hey chan , what're you doing here ?" minho asked as he took a backpack of his back and opened it.

the bag was stuffed with clothes and a few other things , minho throwing in his earphones not caring if they got tangled.

" just taking a walk . hey , why's your bag packed ?" chan asked weerily , hoping the younger wasn't going to a friend's house.

" oh come on , just get it over with. but please don't leave my bag , i have expensive clothes in there ."

" what do you mean ?" chan asked , geniunly confused.

" bite me ."

" what ?"

minho sighed before pulling down the neck of his sweater. " i said , bite me ."

" how ... how do you know ?" chan asked , panic shooting through his whole body.

" well i had some suspicions when i met you , your face and name are on those posters you know ."

" but how do you know that-that im a vampire ?"

" oh , i saw you bite that blonde kid ." minho stated causally " he called out to you and when you pulled him away i let my curiosity take over. so i followed you and saw you bite him , i left right after though cause i was scared you would see me ."

" minho are you sure ... i-i can just find someome else-"

" i'm sure ." minho nodded softly.

chan gulped and stepped forward , taking the warm fabric into his own cold hand. placing one hand across minhos jaw , holding it with a firm yeat soft grip. his other hand holding down the neck of his sweater. the brunette leamed forward so that his warm breath was fanning over minhos neck.

" please just- fuck !" the blonde shouted as chan sunk his teeth into his neck , the hand that was placed on his jaw came up to cover his mouth.

chan sunk his teeth deeper into the boys honey skin as he uncovered the boys mouth and placed his hand on his back. the younger struggled to keep his eyes open , his breathing ragged and slowed.

" sleep ." chan spoke as he took his teeth out of the blondes neck.

" g-good idea ." minho mumbled as he dropped his cigarette and fell limp in chans arms.

placing the boy on his back chan sighed , it didn't feel anything like he thought it would. the other boys said it would be mesmerizing and unforgettable. but chan felt sick , he felt like he had just taken someones life from them. minho couldn't be any older than himself. the boy seemed young , maybe seventeen ? so as chan picked up the blondes bag and set off for the warehouse , he made himself a promise to make minhos life something amazing.


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