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january 16th 2019

minho walked through the cold streets , his hands shoved deep into his coat pockets. letting out a large breath the boy stops walking and pulls his bag off his back , reaching into it and pulling out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. taking one out of the pack , he places it between his slightly chapped lips. minho lights the cigarette and breaths in the smoke , leaning his head back and blowing out a large cloud.

" thats not good for you ya know ."

minho takes the cigarette out of his mouth and flicks it lightly , turning to where the voice came from.

" oh no , someone else has come to tell me my habits are bad ." minho says rolling his eyes before placing the small dEvIl stIcK back in his mouth.

" geez im sorry , someone obviously has issues ." the male says holding his hands up in defense.

" ah yes i have issues , what a lovely assumption ."

the other male shrugs and shuffles his foot on the ground , staring up at the sky.

" sooo , this is awkward ." minho chuckles , the cigarette dangling from between his lips.

" very , i'm chan by the way ." he smiles and sticks his hand out for the younger to shake.

" minho ." the younger reply's , shaking chan's hand.

" ah , well i should get going. my uh , mother is probably waiting for me ." minho said as he pulled his hand away and took another drag of his cigarette.

" yeah , see you around ?"

" see you around ."

chan smiled as he walked down the streets. minho was so goddamn beautiful. the way his golden honey skin glowed despite the gloomy weather. not to mention he was an asshole yet still sweet. chan was lost in his thoughts as he walked down the streets , not paying attention to his surroundings.

" c-chan ?" someone said softly.

chan looked up wide eyed , completely forgetting that he had been walking in public. the boy runs forward into the olders arms. chan flinches slightly and hugs the boy back.

" w-where have you b-been !" the boy sobs.

" felix ?" chan says in shock.

" you idiot !" felix shouts , drawing the attention of other people.

" felix i-i need to go ." chan says as he pushes back from the younger.

" w-what , you can't l-leave ! you've been gone for t- two years ! i thought you d-died !"

" im sorry lix , i can't stay here it-it isn't safe ." chan says , guilt evident in his voice.

" w-what . channie please , d-don't leave me again ." felix sobs as he grips onto chans wrist.

" fuck felix !" chan shouts as he reaches forward grabbing the boys wrist and pulls the boy into the woods.

" c-channie ? where are we go-" felix begins , but chan quickly cuts him off by bitting into his neck.

felix gasps and lets out a scream but chan sinks his teeth in deeper. felix soon falls faint in the olders arms and chan sighs throwing him over his shoulder.

" stupid brat , why can't you just live with mom and be happy ." chan groans as he runs off with felix , quickly passing through the woods on the outskirts of the town.

chan pants as he nears the warehouse. slowing down chan looks around for any signs of people and walks into the warehouse.

" we have an issue !" chan shouts.

woojin runs into the living room and scans around , his eyes landing on the limp boy in chans arms.

" who is that ! tomorrow is the 17th chan !"

" i know i know ! b-but i was walking in town and he saw me and i couldn't leave him woojin !"

" town ? you walked around in town ! on the streets ?! who even is this kid !"

" h-he's my brother . i know it was stupid woojin , b-but i couldn't leave him ! he saw me a-and what if he told !"

" did you bite him ?"

chan nods his head softly and woojin sighs. he walks to the couch and moves empty energy drinks and chip bags off of it. chan walks over after and lays felix down , setting a pillow under his head.

" changbin ! get me the first aid kit , chan did something stupid again !" woojin shouts up the stairs.

" ooo i wanna see !" jisung says excitedly as he hops down the stairs and into the living room.

running over happily he looks at chan confused.

" he's fine ?"

" but he's not ." chan nods down to the passed out boy.

" f-felix


- word count -
-745 -

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