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Ted's POV
I walked into the locker room to find Haon. "Hey man. Wanna get Dennys with me and Heeji here in a bit?" I asked him. "Sure. Sounds good." Haon agreed without much thought. "Alright cool. If I'm not ready when you are, y'all can head out without me and I'll meet y'all there." "Sounds good man." I smirked to myself, leaving him alone and getting in the shower.
Heeji's POV
I sat in the dugout, kicking dirt around with my shoes, waiting for Ted and Haon, dreaming about the stack of pancakes I planned on devouring.
Haon greeted me before anyone else came out of the locker room. "Ted said he was gonna meet us there and told us to go on without him." Haon informed me.
Onward we marched to dennys, sitting in a booth, Haon sitting next to me, leaving the seat across from me for Ted. "How was getting a ride from a senior?" Haon inquired about last night with Jewook. "Just like getting a ride from anybody else I suppose." "Did he open the door for you?" Haon asked curiously. "Yes." I answered simply. "Good. I'm glad you're getting treated well by Jewook." Haon smiled. "Well you all treat me pretty well." I laughed a little. "Even Danny?" Haon furrowed his brow. "He just wants you all to think he's an asshole." I smiled, remembering all the times Danny had apologized just in case he said something out of line and him figuring out what bothers me and what doesn't. "Well as long as no one is treating you badly, I'm happy." "Haon, you're always happy." "Meditation does the mind some good." Haon gave me a proud smile. "You should try it some time." Haon suggested. "How do you meditate?" I asked quizically."
In our booth at Dennys, waiting on our food and Ted, Haon walked me through his meditation. He walked me through emptying my mind, focusing on my breathing and told me the importance of happy thoughts. Afterwards, I took a deep breath and smiled. " I feel better already. Thank you." "Anything for the best manager out there." "Awe Haon." I playfully hit his arm. "I wonder where Ted is?" Haon reminded me of the only other freshman's absence.
Ted's POV
"I swear to you, they are on a date right now." I told everyone. "He told me he was gonna take her to Dennys after practice and guess what. They're gone." "Are you sure it wasn't a friend thing?" "They seemed pretty adimment about not dating." Solomon joined us. "Yeah and I honestly don't think Heeji would be able to keep it together if she went on a date with someone. You should listen to her playing otome games." Jay cringed a little. "All I'm saying is if we go on the Snapchat map right now... their bitmojis are gonna be together at dennys." I shrugged my shoulders. Jay looked like he didn't care then he suddenly opened Snapchat on his phone and zoomed out onto the map.
"Their bitmojis are at Dennys." Jay said in disbelief.
My phone started ringing all of a sudden. "Hello?" "Ted where are you? Our food already came out." I heard Heeji's worried voice. "I didn't wanna 3rd wheel yall. Enjoy your date." I laughed to myself, feeling proud about playing match maker.
Heeji's POV
"I am not believing this." I said, hanging up on Ted. Haon looked confused. "He set us up and told everyone we're on a date." I said angerly dialing Jay's number. Haon groaned in annoyance. "Jay I promise you, me and Haon are not on a date right now." I blurted out before Jay could properly answer his phone. "I kinda figured with how weird Ted was being about it. Do y'all want a ride home?" "Sure. Pick us up in 20?" "Sounds good. No hand holding." Jay said sternly. "Jay!" "Love you little sister." "Bye Jay." "Love you little sister." Jay said aggressively. I sighed a mumbled "Love you big brother."
Me and Haon finished our food and waited for Jay to pick us up. "I know this wasn't a date... but we should do this again." Haon said, staring off into the sky as we stood outisde, waiting for Jay. "What? Eat at Dennys?" I laughed lightly. "Yeah how about after afternoon practice on monday, we come here again? This is just what I need after practice. Breakfast and like minded company." "I'm like minded company?" "You didn't laugh at me when I showed you how to meditate." Haon finally looked directly at me. "Does everyone else laugh?" "Yeah. Everyone thinks I'm just dumb or spacing out but I'm just trying to stay calm and positive." "The world needs more calm and positivity." I smiled at him.
Jay pulled and halted his car roughly. "Get in losers." Jay said, rolling the window down." Haon got in the back seat and I opened the passenger door. "What? You don't wanna sit with your boyfriend?" Jay laughed at me. "I will smack you." I said seriously, slamming the car door shut. "Calm and positivity Heeji." Haon said to me from the back seat. I sighed and closed my eyes, breathing in and out slowly. "Oh my God. You're meditating. Y'all really are together." Jay shrieked.  "If I hear that assumption out of your mouth again, I will quit the team and tell coach it's because you and everybody else are harassing me." I said very slowly. "I love you." Jay cooed and I ignored him. "I. LOVE. YOU." I ignored him again. "It's okay Jay. I love you." Haon said happily. "You're my new younger sibling Haon." Jay declared.

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