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"YOU PLAY LIKE GIRLS!" I taunted after our landslide victory in the parking lot. I would never act out on the field and get my team in trouble. "Bitch!" Someone from the opposing team hollered at me. Hwimin pushed his forearm against my chest, pushing me back and screamed at them. "Ya! You don't talk to our Heeji like that!" He flipped them off. "You got a problem with her, you got a problem with all of us!" Jarv stepped forward with Hwimin. "Whatever dick heads! She started it!" "And we're finishing it! Keep it up and I'll kick all of your dicks in the dirt!" Solomon shouted before shoving me onto the bus. "Trouble maker." Jay shook his head at me. "Coach told me to do way worse." I pointed a finger at the 'adult'. "They were being rude and she deserved to be rude right back." Coach said blankly. "What if they got violent with her?" Jay questioned Coach. "None of you were far behind and all of you love her enough to back her up... besides, your sister is scrappy. I bet she could have taken on 3 of them in a fight." Coach laughed to Jay's dismay. "I don't like the idea of her being in danger... of any of us being in danger. "I wouldn't hesitate to knock someone out for her." Danny proclaimed. "Or we could all avoid trouble and just get along with eachother." Haon spoke up on the situation. "Hey Heeji! Sit with me please!" Harry shouted over the noise." I got up from my front seat to move and Jay gripped my arm and yanked me back into my seat with him. "Jay! I need her!" Harry whined. "What for?" Jay griped. Harry held up a wad of papers and waved them. "What is that?" Jay squinted. "Sociology homework!" Harry yelled in a panic. "Speak up!" Jay teased. "SOCiolOGY HOmewORK!!!" Harry screamed at the top of his lungs. "Huh?" Jay cupped his ear. "JAY!!" Harry's voice cracked while trying to raise his voice. Harry cleared his throat roughly and composed himself. "You know I dont yell for a reason." Harry pouted. "Go help him." Jay sighed, letting me leave to sit with Harry. I moved seats and looked at Harry's homework. It was all completely finished. "I just wanted you to enjoy the ride home." Harry smiled at me fondly. "Thanks." I smiled, feeling heat radiate from my face. "We can at least pretend to work on this so Jay doesn't get suspicious." Harry giggled.
I looked at him closely. I really examined Harry. He really was charming looking. The way he smiled and laughed was so genuine. He was so positive all the time. What could he possibly have going on in his life that makes him so happy. "Harry... do you have a girlfriend?" I asked rather boldly. He smirked at me before answering and I wondered if I wanted the answer. "I'm taking applications for one. Care to apply?" He asked me. I felt my face burn. He looked at me, laughed and looked out the window. "I'm joking Heeji. I dont have one though and I would like one but I don't think you wanna be that to me." "What makes you so sure?" "Me. I'm not very confident in myself and have a feeling it'll be a very long time before I get one." "You should have more faith in yourself. You're a very charming person."  I noticed a slight hue of pink rise on Harry's cheeks as he glanced down at me. "You're just saying that because I rambled about my insecurities." "You didn't really ramble and I mean it. You're very attractive and very genuine. Lots of girls talk about you." "They make fun of me for being quiet. You're the only girl that has spoken about me so fondly." He sighed.
I was beginning to think he seemed so happy all the time to take attention off of his misery. "Just be more confident in yourself then. You have no reason not to be." I smiled lightly at Harry. "Thank you Heeji. I'm glad I asked you to sit with me." Harry rubbed the top of my head and messed up my hair. I popped him on the wrist and frantically pulled a comb out of my backpack so I could fix my hair. "Calm down Heeji. It's just a few hairs out of place." I was beginning to think Harry enjoyed laughing at me. "I look stupid when my hair is messy." I pouted. "You look cute Heeji." "No, I'm ugly!" I blurted out. Harry softened his expression and looked at me with dissapointment. "Who said they're ugly?! All you motherfuckers are beautiful!" Jarv yelled, gaining responses from everyone. "No Jarv, you're beautiful." Solomon laughed. "Thanks babe!" Ted cheered.
"You need a smack on the wrist for calling yourself ugly." Harry shook his head, grabbing my wrist. I jerked away from him and looked him in his eyes. "You first." I said boldly. "What? Why?" "You said you aren't confident in yourself. You need a smack on the wrist for that." "Its not as bad as saying I'm ugly but I digress." Harry sighed.

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