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"It'll do," I sighed. My mother delivered a hard slap on my leg, and I winced. "I mean, it's great, Shinsuke."

My mom met some guy online shortly after dad left after falling in love with his boss. It never bothered me that mom was talking to somebody online because I never thought things would work out. He lived in Japan, and we lived in America.

But of course, here we are, moving into his house. In Japan. I was leaving all the friends I didn't have, but I was definitely gonna miss my very best friend.

Nonetheless, I needed to suck it up and get used to living in Japan. There's nothing I can do about the fact that we left America, so I wasn't about to bitch and moan about it. I was really fucking lucky that I'd watched enough anime to speak extremely broken, yet somewhat understandable Japanese.

"Why don't you go out for a walk. Learn your new neighborhood," Mom suggested.

"What if I get kidnapped?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

She cut her eyes to me. "I doubt it."

"This neighborhood is very safe. Just don't leave the neighborhood or you'll probably get sold into the human trafficking system," Shinsuke said seriously.

"Well, thanks for making me feel better," I said sarcastically, grabbing my phone and shiny new house key. I took every chance I could get to dart out of the house before Shinsuke and my mom start having sex or something.

The sun was hitting my face, causing me to squint. I then noticed a girl somewhat my age walking the  opposite direction.

"You don't look like you're from around here," she stated.

"Is it that obvious?"

"Yes," she answered. "You probably don't wanna be going that way. Someone just dropped a stinkbomb."

"Really?" I asked in disbelief.

"Really. The kids here are pretty crazy," she answered, looking back over her shoulder. She turned back to me and stuck out her hand. "I'm Hanako. Yamada Hanako."

I took her hand, which, despite the weather, was cold. "I'm Y/N."

"What school are you going to? There's one nearby that I go to," Hanako said.

"Akedemi, I think," I recited, watching as her eyes lit up in excitement. "I'm guessing that's your school."

"You guessed right," Hanako giggled in return. "So, you're the girl who Shinsuke kept talking about, then?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Shinsuke keeps saying he's going to have a daughter soon. At first I thought he had a girlfriend or wife who was pregnant. Then he mentioned that his daughter was seventeen, and that was all kinds of weird," Hanako rambled. "Sorry, I get excited sometimes. And clingy."

I laughed amusedly. "I don't really like being around him and my mom," I admitted.

"I mean- could come over for dinner," she mumbled.


"You could come over for dinner," she repeated. "I mean- only if you want to."

"No, that would be great," I replied happily. I didn't want to go home to see Shinsuke and my mom having sex or something. That would be disgusting.

"Great. You can meet my family, then. Do we need to stop by your house to make sure it's okay?" Hanako asked.

"Probably," I sighed, turning to walk to my house.

After a few minutes of silent walking, Hanako spoke. "This might've been the fastest friend I've ever made," Hanako said, breaking the silence.

"Honestly?" I said. "Same. Making friends was never easy at my school."

"Really?" she asked, looking at me with wide eyes. "You're so nice and pretty that anybody would kill to be your friend."

"You're sweet, but that's not the case at my old school. Everybody was a freak. Everybody was a slut. There was no innocence. Not where I lived," I said, focusing on my footsteps, which matched Hanako.

I heard her take a deep breath. "For the record, I don't think you're a slut or a freak."

I took her hand and squeezed it gently. "Thanks." I let go as we entered Shinsuke's house.

"Ah, Hanako!" Shinsuke boomed. "It's good to see you again. How's your mother?"

"She's doing well. Her fever is gone!" Hanako beamed. I couldn't help but feel irritated by Shinsuke. "Anyway, I was wondering if Y/N could come for dinner."

That, I had not expected. I'm usually stuck asking the parental units for things. Nobody else did unless I put up a good fight, which wasn't often.

"But, this would be our first dinner as a family," my mother pouted.

"Ah, Amy. Let her have her fun. There's always tomorrow," Shinsuke said to mom. He gave me a small smile, almost as if to say /I took your side, Y/N./

"Thanks Mom. Thanks Shinsuke," I said, darting toward the door. I didn't even want to think about "tomorrow."

Hanako appeared behind me, seemingly out of breath. "Y/N, why did you leave me behind," she pouted.

"Sorry," I said sheepishly.

Her eyes returned to it's natural glow as she led me to her house. "My family is gonna love you."

"I certainly hope so," I chuckled, allowing her to pull me inside.

"Hey," a boy said from an armchair. His nose was buried in a book, and he hadn't appeared to have seen me yet.

"Onee!" Hanako said excitedly. It seemed like she never ran out of energy. If it were anybody else, I would most definitely be annoyed, but instead I was amused. It was kind of cute. "This is my friend and new neighbor."

The boy looked up, brushing his shaggy bangs from his face. "Oh. Hi," he said shyly.

Oh. My. Goodness. This guy was really cute. I quickly shook myself back into reality, extending my hand. "I'm Y/N."

"Hanako! Come set the table!" a woman's voice said from the kitchen. I assumed that would be Hanako's mother.

"Okay," Hanako mumbled, taking my hand and pulling me into the kitchen. "Ma, this is Y/N. She just moved into Shinsuke's house."

"Did he move away?" Hanako's mother asked, not looking up from washing her vegetables.

"No, he just married some lady with a daughter," Hanako explained, sending me an apologetic look. After she finished with her phrase, she mouthed to me, /sorry I called your mom "some lady."/

I gave her a quick nod and a reassuring smile as if to tell her, /I don't really care./

Hanako's mother finished washing and quickly wiped her hands off on her apron that hung around her waist. She extended her hand out to me. "I'm Ayaka, welcome to the neighborhood."

"Thank you," I said, giving her a polite smile.

"She'll be joining us for dinner," Hanako said

"You're lucky I always make extra," Ayaka chuckled. "We're having Vietnamese style noodle soup. Pho."

"Sounds delicious," I complimented.

Hanako was already setting out silverware and chopsticks, along with soup spoons. She also set out crystal glass cups on coasters.

"Why don't you bring your boyfriend over for dinner again?" Ayaka asked Hanako. "He's such a sweet boy!"

I gawked. She had a boyfriend?

Well then.

Part one! Thoughts?

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