Chapter 1: First day

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.Dark's POV.
I was sitting in the living room alone. Mark, my roommate, was out in the store getting groceries. I was home alone. That was until someone knocked on the door. 'I wonder who it is? It can't be Mark because I saw him grab the house keys before leaving.' I thought as I walked towards the door, Chica following close behind. Once I was very close to the door, Chica ran off. I opened the door and saw an old lady.
"How may I help you, ma'am?" I questioned.
The lady looked at me and then smiled, her smile was kind of disturbing.
"I'm doing a fundraiser for the orphanage and wondered if you wanted to buy a cookie box? The box costs one dollar." The lady said.
'Would it be rude to say no? I am doing a challenge on being nice for a month... so I guess I should but them.' I thought.
"Ya, I'll buy them, let me get a dollar," I said, reaching to the side, grabbing my wallet from the side table. I pulled out a dollar and handed it to her. She smiled and gave me the box of cookies that contained 4 inside.
"Thank you, bye." She said walking off. I closed the door and walked to the kitchen. I was really hungry and Mark won't come back for another hour probably so I took two cookies out and ate them at the same time. It was good for the first few bites but once you take more bites, it tastes like a mixture of ashes and another strange flavor.
'Yep, Mark won't like these at all.' I thought, throwing away the other two cookies. Chica came in and began to smell the trash, soon growling at the cookies. She turned toward me and pawed at my legs, looking as if she was trying to warn me about something. I just don't know what.
I drank some water to get the terrible taste of the cookie out of my mouth. Then I went back to the living room and sat down on the couch. I grabbed the remote control and surfed through channels, trying to find something interesting. I finally stopped on a random movie and laid back and watched what was on t.v. I started to get sleepy, which is strange because I usually get tired past midnight.
'That's odd, why am I getting tired all of a sudden. Did the cookies do something." I questioned out loud.
I laid down onto my back and closed my eyes falling to sleep, not noticing that the cookies did do something to me that will change most of my life.

~Time skip to a few hours later~
Mark's POV
After a few hours of being in the store, buying food, clothes, and some extra accessories for the house. I found a doormat that says "Welcome Motherfuckers" and honestly, I find it hilarious.

I paid for all the things that I bought and began to drive

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I paid for all the things that I bought and began to drive. I connected my phone to the car and put in my music playlist and sang along to my music. Once I arrived at my home, parked in my driveway and got out, gathering some of the bags that I bought. I walked up to the front door and could hear Chica barking through the door. Once I opened the door chica comes charging towards me, barking and wagging her tail.
"Hey, there chica bika! How is my good pupo?" I say, ruffling her fur, and underneath her ears. She keeps barking happily. I look up and don't see Dark anywhere nearby. Usually, when I get home from taking a long time at the store, he usually comes down and greets me and helps me gather the bags. Maybe he is just listening to music with earbuds and didn't hear me come home. Good thing I can scream.
"DARK! I AM HOME, COME HELP ME GATHER THE BAGS!" I scream to the top of my lungs.
I don't hear any footsteps come towards me. But what I do hear is the television playing some sort of movie.
I place the bags down on the floor and make my way towards the living room. I looked towards the television and see a random movie playing. I look over at the couch and saw both adorable but confusing sight. On the couch laid a baby. But not any baby, this baby was Dark, he was sleeping on the couch peacefully. He seemed to be 4 months old, so pretty young. The clothes that he was wearing were so big, they seemed as if a giant wore them. I gently cradled Dark in my arms, while thinking of how Dark could have gotten himself turned to a baby.
Slowly, his brown eyes opened and he stared up at me with his big eyes. He looked confused and looked down. He saw that he was in my arms and began to struggle.
"Down! Me down!" He whined.
"Dark. Calm down, you will fall and hit your head." I told him, hoping he will calm down, but it only made him wiggle more.
"How you cawy me?" Dark questioned, clearly not knowing he was in the body of a baby.
"Dark, you are a baby. You somehow got turned to a baby and we can't risk getting yourself hurt." I reported.
Everything went quiet and you could only hear the AC make its usual noise. I looked around, trying to find something to distract Dark while I could search what could have made him a baby. I got startled when I heard a growl come out of Dark. I looked down and saw Dark have tears welled up in his eyes as he held his stomach. His stomach growled a second time and tears began to fall out of his eyes. I got the cue that Dark was hungry, but right now I didn't have any baby food, so milk might just do. I set Dark on the couch lightly, and then hurried over to the kitchen.
'Where is it? I know I left it somewhere in these cabinets.' I thought looking for one of Chase's baby cups.
Whenever Seán and the egos come to visit, Chase would sometimes bring his kids over. One is 8 years old, another is 5, and the last one is 8 months old. So I have a baby bottle ready for them whenever they come. I finally found the baby bottle on the bottom cabinet and pulled it out. I washed it before filling it up with milk and putting the cap on. I made my way towards the living room until I heard a 'thud' and loud crying following after. I rushed towards the couch and saw Dark on the floor. Chica ran over towards him and began to lick his small face. This caused Dark to cry a little less, but still loud enough. Chica cuddled up to Dark trying to make happy.
I bend down and picked Dark up, cradling him in my arms while placing the bottle above his lips. He opened his mouth and let the tip of the baby bottle go in his mouth. He began to drink the milk, his tears decreased until it came to an abrupt stop.
"Dark, do you remember what you did or saw before you were turned to a baby?" I asked trying to know at least how long he is going to be stuck like this.
"Cookie box, twash." Dark said with a yawn at the end.
I walked to the kitchens trash can, and surely enough, there was a box of cookies left that contained two more cookies. So Dark must have eaten the two missing cookies. I got the cookie box out and read the label.
Chocolate chip cookie.
The nutrition facts seemed to have all the information that is needed. But right at the end on the label, it read.
This is a work of witchcraft experiment, these cookies will turn you into a baby, more specifically a 4-month-old baby. Each cookie contains three years of being a baby. So far there is not a thing that we know of that can reverse the curse. If you do have any questions please contact (***)***-****.
So since Dark was super stupid for not reading the label, he now is going to be a 4-month baby for 6 years just because he probably was too lazy to read the label.
I heard another yawn escape Dark and he snuggled even closer to me. He began to close his eyes, mumbling 'nighty nighty' before falling into deep sleep. I heard rapid dog paws run towards the kitchen and Chica began to bark rapidly. Dark stirred in my arms, whimpering quietly.
"Shhh, Chica, Dark is asleep, you'll wake him up," I said towards Chica while putting away the baby bottle.
With one final bark, as if she said 'okay', she followed me to the living room.
"I'mma need to go to the store again to buy the important stuff for Dark. But I don't want to bring him to the store since I don't have a car seat for him. I mean I could call Seán if he could take care of Dark while I am gone." I told Chica, even though it still counts as talking to myself. I carried Dark towards his room and set him on his bed.
'I can turn one of the four guest rooms into Dark's baby room. He could have 'til he is back to an adult.'
I left Darks' room and left the door a bit open, before going to a guest room and seeing how big it is. I checked the time and saw it was only 5:00 in the afternoon. Might as well go to the store now and fix up some of Dark's baby room today, then finish things up tomorrow. I got out of the guest room, having Chica follow me, and went to sit on the couch. I dialed Seáns phone number and waiting until he answered.
Seàn has moved to L.A about. 3 months ago, and he decided that it would be wise to live pretty close to where I am. His house is a 25-minute walk and a 20-minute drive. Not so far. He lives in a pretty big house since all of his egos live with him. I don't blame him though, his egos could be a bit of a handful.
After waiting for about 20 long seconds, he finally answered. It seemed as if he was outside since I could hear cars drive by.
"Hey, Mark!" Seán chipped.

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