How you meet

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Proffessor kukui

I was walking to my house, but I heard crying in between two buildings, I ran to the crying and saw a box. I walked to the box and saw a baby inside, I quickly pick up the small infant and she immediately stops crying, I run to my home and mash up some fruits and rockruff plays with her while waiting, "guess I'll just have to bring you with me tomarrow huh?" I said as I started feeding the baby and she giggled and smiled, I love this little girl already!


I was walking with my sylvally and I heard a small cry of pain, I started running towards the sound and saw team skull, kicking a box pretty hard, the box tipped over and a baby fell out, "hey!!!! Get off that baby!!! Sylvally, use slash!!!" I yelled and sylvally did what I said and I saw the grunts run away, I ran to the baby and picked her up, "h-hey...don't-dont cry...shush, your okay now" I said, and she stopped and looked me in the eyes and I I did the same, I smiled one of my rare smiles and walked with her in my arms, we just sat at the beach for a while until we got home, I got some fruit and cut it into small slices and fed them to her carefully, she giggled and hit my face, I just laughed and kissed her head and we went to go to bed, we cuddled there until morning.


I was in a battle, "okay, turtonater! Use flamethrower!!!!" I yelled and we won the battle, I heard crying and I looked over to the side and saw a woman, hitting a small infant. ,hey get off that child!!!! She's a baby!!!" I yelled while scolding the woman, she just scoffed and walked away. I snarled and picked up the little girl. "Hey~ it's alright, I'll protect you~" I said in her ear and hugged her close while smiling, she hugged my head and we went to my home with charmander, "my! Where did you get a baby!" I heard my mother say, "I saw it getting abused and chased the woman off, then I decided I'm going to keep this child, she is my responsiblility now~" I said and held the baby closer, mother just smiled and ruffled my hair, "ask me if you need help with the food!" She said, and I nodded, I went outside and got moomoo milk and put it in a bottle, then heated it up and gave it to the baby, I held it and she started to drink it, then I let mimo hold her and cut up some fruit into thin pieces and mimo fed her, "now, I'm not that bad huh mother?" I taunted with a smirk while hugging the baby. "What are you going to call her huh?" Mother asked, "eon!" I replied. "That's a perfect name big brother!" Mimo chants with stars in her eyes and I smile, I hug the baby closer and she hugs my head while nuzzling her nose on mine, "yes, perfect..."


I was in my limo when I saw a box on the side of the road, I told the driver to stop and I got out, "what is that..?" I asked myself as I got closer.  As I did I saw a small baby, " oh my arceus!" I exclaimed as I picked up the infant ad hugged it tight, she immediately nuzzles her head in my chest and I get back in the limo, "let's go home, I need to feed her quick, she's starving!" I said worriedly. He nodded and drove quickly, once we got there I ran into the kitchen and got some fruits and mushed them up but not to much, the carefully fed her so she wouldn't choke and I helped her swallow but gently rubbing my finger over her neck so she can swallow better, we both giggled when she was done, I was sewing her some night clothes so we could get some tomarrow but have clean ones tonight, I put them on her and I got dressed to, then I held her to my chest as we snuggled, going to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2019 ⏰

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