Welcome to Highschool

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Hello, readers! I am here with another book (yes, another!). I REALLY hope you like it :). I've had this idea for a MLP high school book, but since I was working on other projects, I never got round to it. Anyways, it's here now!! Please enjoy!

(Twilight's POV)
This school makes no sense.
It's all split into four groups: The Cool Kids, The Athletes, The Dorks and The Nerds.
I feel as though I am meant to be part of the Nerds, you know, doin' cool ponies' homework.
But no.
Rarity is the queen of the school, asides the principal (who, despite his title, is not your pal!).
I also remembered meeting her in a primary school somewhere east. And that was when she gave me a terrible haircut, ruined my life and chances at school.
I must remember, never make friends with a cool girl.
Especially Rarity.
As soon as you enroll into the school, she gives you a hug (a fake hug, of course) and hands you a slip of paper.
And on the paper read 'Dork!'
At first when I transferred from Canterlot Magic School to Ponyville State Highschool, I was nervous, well, partly. But now I see there is nothing to be worried about.
I first met The Dorks in our eating area.
A shy yellow Pegasus slipped past my table and handed me a note before rushing off.
The note read, 'We heard you are in our team! The Dorks, right? We meet Friday after school, in the library. Be there!'

I couldn't believe I actually attended the meeting, and was expecting it to be a waste of my time.
I arrived in the library, and went into a room with a sign labelled 'Dorky meeting!'.
There was a pony wearing a hat over her blonde hair.
I thought she would be better off in the athlete group, but then I heard her speak.
She had a real country accent, and used phrases that I did not understand one bit.
In this school, that was a ticket to this group.
There was also a pink pony who seemed way overexcited about the meeting.
And then there was the shy pegasus.
As soon as I had entered, the country pony closed the door.
"This is it?" I asked, stating the popularity of the group.
"Nah, ponies usually transfer after being put in here!" The pink pony told me, sticking her hoof around my neck, "I wonder why though!"
I rolled my eyes.
"So, who might you be, sugar cube? You look more nervous than a fat slug on a busy sidewalk". The country pony smiled, "I here am Applejack, that is Pinkie Pie, and there is timid little Fluttershy."
She indicated to the other ponies.
"We, uh... can't wait to be your friends... If you want to be ours, that is?" Fluttershy asked.
I hesitated before saying, "Uhhh... sure! I'm Twilight, and it is kinda nice to meet you!"
I plastered a fake smile across my face.
I did not need friends. At all.
But before I could say anything, Pinkie Pie pounced onto a desk.
"Welcome to your first meeting, Twilight! Okay, anyone want to read out the points from last week? Or... never mind, I guess the past is in the past. AJ, what's on this week?"
Applejack pounced onto the desk as Pinkie pounced off.
"We had a vote, where this week we plot down our ideas for Rarity's prank. Please take a bit of paper from the front and write down ya ideas."
I was uninterested in the meeting, until I heard the words; 'Rarity's prank'.
And so I took about 30 strips of paper and jotted down my ideas. And then Fluttershy went around with a box and we popped our paper into it.
"Now, Twily, take the box and pull out about three random suggestions and say 'all In favour of bla bla bla'."
I nodded and took the box, shook it and selected three cards.
"Our votes can be either washing her hair in toilet water, stealing her end of year exam or toilet papering her house. All In favour of Washing her hair in toilet water, raise your right hoof," I waited, but no one put their hooves up, "In favour of the exam one?" I knew what was coming... "Okay, all in favour of The toilet papering her house... raise your right hoof".
Three hooves stuck up in the air, and then four (me) and then five (Pinkie put her other hoof up).
" Five votes for Stealing her exam!" I laughed to prove it was a joke, "I'm messing with ya'll! LETS TOILET PAPER HER HOUSE!!!!"
We all broke out into excited chatter.
I had to admit, having friends was fun!
"I sure hope she isn't mad!" Fluttershy whispered.
"I darn tooting hope she is!" AJ laughed.
The prank was due to take place next Friday afternoon, so we could pretend we were at a meeting when our parents ask us.
I guess friendship is for me!

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