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Sarah walks down stairs to her carriage

Sarah: I am meeting with the mayor today

She looks at Sasha

Sarah: I thought you would like to come, the palace is surprisingly boring
Sasha: Really? I don't think I could ever get bored of this place

Sarah continues walking out and has the door open of the carriage, Sasha follows her in

Sarah: Try living here for 18 years and then you will know boredom


Lezibel is writing at her desk, Mary comes in

Mary: Sarah has just left to talk to her mayor
Lezibel: Great, she is out of my hair

Mary raises an eyebrow then walks up to the window, she opens the curtains

Mary: You need light in here
Lezibel: I could see perfectly fine
Mary: Right.

Mary walks up to the door then turns around

Mary: You have a beautiful daughter, don't push her away


Sir Potter: So how are you finding your position?
Sarah: I reckon it's splendid

Sarah lifts up her tea and sips it

Sir Potter: It's also extremely important
Sarah: Don't you think I know that? I'm not in this position to sit in a palace, I already have my first event coming up this week. I get to open up the gardens at Westbrook
Sir Potter: Sounds fun

The mayor leans forward and looks in Sarah's eyes

Sir Potter: I wanted to know if you would be picking out your husband soon
Sarah: My husband? Why yes but in my own time

Sarah stands up

Sarah: The people come first, I understand but not when it comes to love. I shall marry whoever I want whenever I want


Sarah: I'm sick of sexist men who think all a woman is good for is marriage!

Sarah shouts as she comes into the palace. She finds her mother in the drawing room

Sarah: Mother...
Lezibel: I'm busy
Sarah: I don't care, I'm not looking for love just yet

Lezibel stops what she is doing and turns her head towards Sarah

Lezibel: Why? It's a basic request
Sarah: Uh, no it's not. I don't want to be forced to marry anyone, that is my own decision
Lezibel: Fine then, but the mayor is second guessing you being in your position. Be wise about this.


Sarah: My mum is telling me to be wise

The princess and her friend are riding on a carriage

Sasha: I think the whole marriage thing is important though
Sarah: I know.. But I'm not just going to fall for anyone and it comes with time
Sasha: Yes but don't completely rule it out


Lezibel: So you wanted to talk...

Sir potter is sitting in the palace living room and Lezibel begins to sit

Lezibel: Is this about Sarah?
Sir Potter: Yes. I fear she is not fit to be our princess.
Lezibel: I completely agree
Sir Potter: You do?

Lezibel crosses her legs

Lezibel: As my daughter I know that she has never been fit for the position
Sir Potter: We can't just demote her
Lezibel: Oh, I can do what ever I like


The princess continues to ride, the end up travelling past a cottage with a massive garden. Sarah stops the carriage

Sasha: What are you doing?
Sarah: People are questioning whether I'm good at my job, this will prove it

Sarah walks up to the cottage and sees a man working in the garden

Sarah: Hello

The man turns around and blinks a few times

Jack: Your majesty???
Sarah: We were just travelling past and I was absolutely amazed at how beautiful this place is.
Jack: Oh um.... Thank you

Sarah walks up to the man and looks at the plants

Sarah: Do you earn much?
Jack: This is my job...
Sarah: So you get no money
Jack: I get enough to survive

Jack continues walking and Sarah continues speaking

Sarah: I think a job at the palace would be highly suitable for you
Jack: A job at the palace? Oh no princess, that sounds way too good to be true
Sarah: So? You start tomorrow


Sarah: Mum, I have recruited a new gardener

Lezibel stares at Jack then back at Sarah

Lezibel: He is...
Sarah: Oh it doesn't matter what he is
Jack: Maybe I shouldn't have the job
Sarah: No! I need a friend around here anyway.

Sarah raises an eyebrow

Sarah: You have been accepted for the job


Sasha: What is your obsession with this man having a job here anyway?

Sarah sits down on a seat next to a window

Sarah: It's my way of giving back. You saw where he was living, it was so dirty and he hardly earned enough money.

Sarah smiles

Sasha: Do you like him?
Sarah: No, of course not. This is strictly business.


Lezibel: I don't like that man
Mary: Really?

Mary places Lezibel's tea on a table

Mary: I think he is very nice, and Sarah likes him
Lezibel: Of course she does. Not for very long though

Lezibel turns to Mary

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