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Sarah: Jack!

Sarah runs out to Jack. Jack looks up at Sarah

Jack: I thought you were never going to talk to me again

Sarah stops running and looks at Jack

Sarah: I'm sorry about the way I reacted last night, but the truth is I wanted to..
Jack: What?

Sarah walks up to Jack and kisses him

Sarah: I wanted to kiss you


Sir Potter: The ball was a success

Lezibel shakes her head

Lezibel: It was vulgar, did you see my daughter? She was dancing with that horrid gardener
Sir Potter: I'm afraid she likes him.

Lezibel sits down

Lezibel: Well.. He is not suited for being the prince
Sir Potter: Come to think of it, the public might like the fact that he isn't a prince
Lezibel: Don't say such nonsense
Sir Potter: But he isn't rich, or like us. Maybe that's what people want.


Lezibel: Sarah!

Sarah walks pass a room and turns around to see her mum

Sarah: Yes mother
Lezibel: I wanted to talk to you about the ball, further more the gardener

Sarah rolls her eyes

Sarah: What do you want to say?
Lezibel: Sir Potter said he approves. I however don't.
Sarah: Well he is the speaker for the general public, I'll take his advice not yours

Sarah begins walking away then Lezibel grabs her arm

Lezibel: If it's a publicity stunt then I won't approve, do you like this man?
Sarah: Yes I do, I really wish you would put your pride aside and get to know him.
Lezibel: Queens don't speak to Gardeners. Now if you want to test out a relationship with him, go ahead, but watch out


Sarah: I think mum approves of you

Sarah looks into a tree then back at Jack

Sarah: I know the kiss before was sudden
Jack: It's fine, it's way better then what I thought you were going to do
Sarah: What did you think I was going to do?
Jack: I don't know... Maybe fire me
Sarah: What type of person do you think I am?

Sarah giggles

Sarah: Sir Potter approves of us.

Sarah sits down on a bench

Sarah: Are you prepared to be with someone like me?
Jack: Yeah, of course

Jack sits next to Sarah

Jack: Why not?
Sarah: Well it's not like you could take me out anywhere without guards around us. You probably aren't going to be treated very nicely either
Jack: If I'm with you, I'll be fine

Sarah smiles then stands up

Sarah: Well I have to go inside, there is a grand opening of a museum happening today so I better get ready.

Sarah runs inside


The ladies are tightening Sarah's dress as Sasha talks to Sarah

Sasha: So I heard you and Jack are dating.. Or at least at the beginning stages
Sarah: Of course you know, everyone knows now.

Sarah turns to Sasha

Sasha: You hardly know the guy, do you know his family?
Sarah: He hasn't spoken about them but I'm sure they are just as kind as him. I know I hardly know him but I know the feeling of sheer pleasure. I am so happy, I have someone who isn't even on a royal level to talk to.
Sasha: Do you even know what his motives are?

Sarah moves away from the ladies in anger

Sarah: I don't know what you are, jealous, envious or just purely trying to ruin things between me and Jack, but you need to stop otherwise you may withdraw from the palace.

Sasha shakes her head and walks out of the room


Sarah cuts the ribbon and the people cheer, she turns to them and smiles. She then walks up to a microphone stand and begins her speech

Sarah: Mothers, fathers, children, sisters, brothers, husbands and wives, you now all have the opportunity to see the history of my family. This museum houses portraits, diaries and even treasures from my family, all replicas, all just as perfect as the original. Who is to say that you guys don't deserve to see that, cause I want this town to be educated about where I came from, about where my mum came from, about how this kingdom was born. Whatever you see may give you hope, liberation, a sense of joy to see what the past has brought us, what your past may bring you


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