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"H-how did you sleep?" Freddy asked, trying to act casual.

"I was sleeping well until I heard the computer start up." Giuli replied with a little of attitude.

"Haha..right.." Freddy stopped smiling and let out a sigh of defeat.

"Look, we were just using your computer to find out where our friends were taken." Bonnie explains. "We'll be out of here soon, you'll never see us again."

"That..may be true." Giuli looks at them then to Golden. " doesn't change the fact that you were the ones who took my sister away, and I'm not sure I'll ever forgive you.."

Golden's eyes drooped at that, he looked away from her and she simply turned away from him too, facing the others.

"So..I assume you found your friends?" She asks, leaning her back against the wall.

"Uh..y-yea we did." Chica nods with an uncertain smile.

"How are you going to get there?" Giuli asks with a puzzled look. "You gonna walk? Uber?"

" uber?" Freddy asks, asking what every animatronic was thinking.

"Uh its..nevermind." Guili wabes her hands dismissively. "So you don't know how you're getting there?"

"Actually..there is one way we could get there." Golden says to her, rubbing his arm awkwardly. "We need to take one of your parent's trucks."

"What?!" Giuli gasped, throwing her hands to her sides in shock.

"Giuli, its the only way we can leave." Chica says, walking to her. "Please..we have to get back to them."

"And I need to find my lover and child, please." Freddy begged. "I can't stay away from them when they're out there alone..!"

Giuli keeps her glare at them, but her eyes soon soften when she tells how much Freddy loves his family. She lets out a sigh before rubbing her gabds down her face.

"Okay, I'll help you.." She says, finally. "But..on one condition.."

"Anything.." Bonnie nods, shaking with anticipation.

"You promise to bring her back, my sister." She states, glaring softly at all of them. "She died because of you, now you're gonna have to bring her back.."

"Right now?! We..w-we can't do that!" Chica looks bewildered. "We can't being anyone back from the dead!"

"Figure something out! My parents are devastated..they miss her everyday and so do I!" Giuli tears up a little. "If anyone is gonna bring her back, its you guys..please promise me you'll bring her back."

Right as Freddy is about to let her down, Golden speaks up.

"We promise, we'll bring her back." Golden tells her. "I promise."

Giuli's breath hitcges in her throat, she wasn't expecting that from him. A tear runs down her cheek and she's quick to wipe it away and rub her eyes. She looks at them and nods, motioning them to follow her.

She guides them to the garage where her parent's trucks sat. She whispers for them to stay here while she gets the keys and rushes off back into the house. That's when Freddy breaks the silence.

"We cannot bring her back." Freddy says, sounding upset. "You know that, Golden."

"I have to try." Golden returns, facing him. "I already promised her, I'm not going back on my promise."

"But Golden..we can't bring her back! That's impossible.." Chica shakes her head. "You should have tried to get her to ask for something else."

"I made a promise to Gaby that I would protect Angelica, I broke that promise when I killed her.." Golden says with a pain stricken expression. "Do you know how awful..that was? To watch a child die..? I broke my promise. I'm not breaking this one."

Freddy lets out a sigh before placing a hand on his brother's shoulder. "Listen, Golden I know how you feel-"

Golden smacks away his hand, glaring at him with such contempt. "You have no idea how I feel! You didn't kill an inoccent teenager.."

"Golden-" Bonnie speaks but Golden glances at him, shutting him up.

"If you're so determined on bringingher are you going to do it?" Freddy crosses his arms, glaring at him.

"I'm sure I'll know what to do when the time comes." Golden answers with a small growl. "I'll bring her back..not just for me, but her family. No parent should ever have to bury their child."

Freddy's face softens and so do Bonnie and Chica's, finally realizing how important this was to Golden silenced their bickering. Giuli quickly came back to the garage, keys in hand.

"I'm going with you." She says as she unlocks her mom's truck with the single press of a button.

"What? No no no.." Bonnie says. "You can't come with us!"

"You can't." Freddy, shook his head. "You have to stay here."

"No way! I finally got a lead on my sister's death, I'm going with you." Giuli gets into the passenger side, tossing the keys to Golden.

Golden catches them effortlessly in his right hand, feeling Chica tap his shoulder right after.


"Maybe you should uh..say something to her? We can't let her come."

Golden sighs and nods to her, he walks to the passenger side and pokes his head in to see Giuli gripping a photo of Angelica and her smiling. She looks up at him, a sad and confused expression staring right back at him. He says nothing as he buckles the seat belt on her. .

"If you're coming with us, you have to stay with us. Do NOT wander off." Golden instructs, tightening the seat belt. "Stay by my side, I will protect you. Just..don't leave my side."

Giuli simply nods and leans back into the seat, this in turn makes Freddy shake his head and get in the back with Bonnie and Chica, who also seem upset at the fact that a child is accompanying them.

"So, where to?" Giuli asks as she pulls out her headphones.

"I manged to print out the location.." Bonnie reaches into the gap of his wrist and arm, pulling out a folded piece of paper.

Giuli takes it and looks over it as the garage door begins to open. Golden slowly drives out into the street, waiting for Giuli's directions. As soon as she starts to dorect him where to go, they're off, leaving her parents unaware of where she was going.


"Oooh okay laddie." Foxy closes the driver's door and carries Peanut close to him.

He had decided to drive around the area, searching for a bite. He had found a small cafe nearby and waited out until the store closed to make his move. He pulled out a small thin piece of metal from his ear, causing it to come loose. He catches it and gives it to Peanut as he walks towards the entrance of the store.

The smell of coffee and sweet baked goods hit his nose instantly. His stomach began to growl and do did Peanut's. He went behind the counter where tons of baked goods sat under cold lamps. He sets Peanut by the cash register, quickly kissing his head before snatching a bag and filling it to the brim with baked sweets. Some of the food there were even meatballs, cheese and fruit, he knew this would be good for both of them.

"I think this be just fine for us!" Foxy said excitedly as he tied the bag shut.

Peanut simply cooed and played with Foxy's detached ear, completely unaware what was happening. He grabs him and the bag, rushing out the store and back into Gaby's car. He sets Peanut back in the passenger seat, buckling him up and himself before driving away from the cafe.

He parks in an empty parking lot, quickly feeding himself and his son who desperately needed fuel. He sighs once he's had his full, tears stinging his eyes as he looked to the ceiling of the car.

"Oh Freddy me love..I be needing you right now by me side.." Foxy whispered sadly as a tear ran down his cheek. "We..miss you me love.."


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