33. Gender Reveal

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Harry's hand is squeezing mine so tightly I can feel it starting to turn numb. We are both super nervous because Dr Avery is hovering the ultrasound device over my stomach as she tries to find our babies genital area. 

"He or she is being extremely cheeky today."

"Like their father." I say which earns a smile from Harry. 

"They are closing their legs."

"Clearly not like their mother otherwise we wouldn't be in here today."

I hit him with my free hand which only makes his smile grow wider. Dr Avery has been scanning my stomach for a few minutes now as she tries to find the right angle to reveal the gender to us. She knows the gender, however Harry and I want to see if we can see it for ourselves first.

"Aha, here we go." She presses the space bar on her keyboard and it takes a snapshot of the baby on the screen. "Any guesses?"

"Is that a dick?" Harry asks. I can see that long thing between it's legs too but I am pretty sure that's the umbilical cord. If it's not then our baby most definitely takes after its father in that department. 

Dr Avery laughs. "That would be the umbilical cord."

I thought so. 

"Does that mean we are having a girl? I don't see anything else sticking up.

She nods her head whilst smiling. "That's correct. Congratulations Hailey and Harry on your precious baby girl."

"Oh my goodness we're having a girl" I say as my cheeks hurt from smiling so much. I look at Harry and he is staring at the screen in awe. I place my hand on his shoulder and he turns to look at me. He lets go of my hand and leans down to hug me.

"A baby girl" he whispers into my ear. 

Harry is nuzzling into my neck, breathing heavy. I bring my hand up to his curls and that's when I can feel his tears on my neck. 

"Oh Harry" I whisper to him as he slowly moves away from me and looks at the screen again. "A baby girl."

"And what proud parents she has." Dr Avery says to us. 

"I swear to god if any boys try to come near her I will fight them all. I'll have ten security guards around her at all times."

Our poor daughter doesn't know what she's in for. She won't be allowed to speak to the opposite sex until she's like forty. Maybe even older than that. Harry is going to be super protective. 

"We're having a mini you" He smiles at me. "I hope to god she has your eyes and your smile. And you little button nose. But my sense of humour is a must."

"I have a feeling she is going to look a lot like you."

Oh my goodness I can finally start buying gender themed clothing. No more white, yellow and neutral colours. Obviosuly I will still dress her in blue, green and orange but I can buy her things that say 'daddy's little princess'.

And names. Oh boy we are going to pick a name for her. Maybe not pick the exact name right way as I want to meet her first to then see what name suits her best but it will be good to have a couple up our sleeve. I wonder if Harry and I will agree on a name. I want it to be unique and I have a feeling Harry will be on the same page about that. 

"Hailey" Dr Avery says my name in a concerned tone. I immediately look away from Harry and look at her instead. When I see her facial expression, my hand slips out of Harry's and it drops to my stomach.

"What is it? Why are you looking at me like that? Is that baby okay? You said she is okay."

She nods her head and clasps her hands together whilst placing them in her lap. "Your baby is fine, it is your cervix that I'm worried about. Your cervix is measuring small which means you could go into early labour."

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