28. Kicking

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It's amazing how women are able to carry life inside of them. Pregnancy is an indescribable but incredible feeling. Except birth probably doesn't feel very incredible. Everyone keeps telling me how much pain I'm going to be in and I am so scared but at the same time it'll all be worth it because I'm going to get a beautiful baby from it.

I feel slightly nauseous every now and then, especially when I smell seafood or salt and vinegar chips. Other than that, all the morning sickness I experienced in my first trimester has completely gone. I sometimes experience sharp pain but that is because of my stress and I need to try to keep that to a minimum.

Shortness of breath and sore boobs are the only other things that are out of the ordinary for me. I am loving not having a period. It is phenomenal. Every now and then I get crazy hormonal breakouts but I am quite happy with my skin now that my period isn't present. And I finally see what people mean by that pregnancy glow. Or maybe my fake tan is just really good. 

As I drive into my driveway, I see a black Range Rover parked in my spot. My parents do not have any friends that drive a black Range Rover. Two of them drive white ones but the only person who has parked a black Range Rover outside my house is Harry.

I haven't seen him in five days. He went back to London to be with Anne. I've been thinking about him all day today because it's his birthday tomorrow. I really wish this was a happier time in his life. Dr Avery still hasn't called us with the paternity test results either. I was hoping that Harry would be given an answer by now but he hasn't got one yet. 

When I walk inside the door, I see my parents and Anne all sitting at the table together with mugs in front of each of them. My eyes then drift over to the lounge and Harry is there with Tyde on his lap. They're watching tv. 

"Hi sweetie. How did you go?" My mum comes and hugs me as I take my shoes off and place my keys on top of them. I need to move my car shortly because I parked the Range Rover in. I knew it couldn't have been anyone but Harry.

Whilst my mum is hugging me, my eyes are fixated on Anne.

"Yeah, good thanks" I say to mum then end our embrace as I walk over to Anne. Harry must have told her. I expected that he would. I feel disgusting as I stand here in front of Anne. I am disgusted in myself because she must be so disappointed in me. 

Anne immediately stands up from her chair and wraps her arms around me and squeezes me tightly. 

"Good thanks" I look over her shoulder "hi Debbie." Harry must have told his mum. I expected that he would. "Oh Hailey, congratulations."

Anne is such a kind hearted person, I don't know why I expected her to be rude to me. I don't deserve her kindness or anybodies kindness for what I've kept from them. 

"I'm a little disheartened that you kept it from us. Harry explained to me how you tried to tell him that night but he wouldn't listen to you and I wish he had listened to you. I also wish that you refused to leave until he would listen but I get that you were mad. I am just glad that he knows now and can be there for you."

I lean in and hug her again. I really need one of her warm hugs right now.

"Oh my, squeeze me a little harder. I can feel the tiny bump." She places her hand on my stomach. I raise my jumper so that she can see the bump through the thin material of my white shirt. "You're still so tiny. How far along are you?"

"Almost twenty three weeks."

"I want nothing more than to have grandchildren" She looks over at Harry. "Paternity test results or not, I'm so happy. I'm going to be a grandmother."

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