Chapter 2

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I opened my eyes slowly because of the stupid light to see a bum. A BUM?

Wait! Superman boxers?


Hold up Cole why the heck is my face in front of his big but?



Oh you are so gonna get it.. I slipped out of bed and went to get ready for my plan but I need to get ready for school first. After getting ready for school which took me like 15 minutes I was going to go with my plan which consists of a bucket, ice cold water and a boy who is wearing a pair of superman boxers.

Mwahahahaha(evil laugh)

After getting the things I needed for my amazing plan I went upstairs into my room quietly

Nearing my bed where my plan is going to take action and there you would find Cole still sleeping like a baby well not for long though hahaha he was in a cute position.

Cute? The heck did that came from?!

Eww this is Cole we’re talking about, my thoughts we’re interrupted when another fart came out. I swear this boy is full of air to fart this much. He wont get angry at me for this... or NOT.... or maybe not that long.. Oh well YOLO

So I went to his side and poured the ice cold water on him


By now I was laughing my ass of


I stopped laughing after I saw the look on his face

Stupid me I forgot he has a short temper. And he’s not a morning person

DAYUM! I am in deep crap

“Jasmine, come here.” Not good he used my full name and he was seemed calm…. Too calm

I stepped back, wrong move I think I just made him angrier

"n-nno." his creepy smile is freaking me out

 I can’t think straight and I can’t move a muscle

He was inching towards me but still I can’t move, that smile of his is way too creepy, then the next thing I knew is I am wet and we were both on the floor.

"Coleee I was ready for schooolll" i whined at him

"Well you started it!!"

boy he was angry "s-s-sor-ry

his face soften and came near me "Sorry for yelling."

"It's ok. Now get ready you lazy ass!!" I said and smacked his bum with my hand, he just laughed in return. And before he can say anything else I walked out of my room going to the kitchen to eat some cereals. haha I'm fat I know and I don't care.


Where are you and Cole? I'm lonely here get down here ASAP... I have news for you ;)


Still at my house. Yes MA'AM!.. ?!


"Jas come on we're gonna be late for school and Shane is already there"


"Yeah, he had to go early"

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