Chapter 1

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(Violets POV)
I tended to the waiting customers, refilling their coffee, retrieving their bills, and taking orders, the usual activity you would expect from a waitress. I worked at an old fashioned dinner that had been around for years and was well known by the locals.

I've been working here for the last 3 months trying to have a little extra money to help pay the bills. It was often boring but the tips were something I enjoyed having.

Since I lived outside of Los Angeles the diner, and the town was filled with elders and retirees just trying to enjoy the peaceful setting of this quiet town. We never really saw anyone famous or had "drama" in the quaint town of suburbia.

It was another Tuesday shift where I was refilling coffees when a young, very attractive man walked in. "miss? miss? MISS?!!" I had overfilled an old mans coffee due to me staring for too long. "Oh my gosh I am so sorry! Here let me get some more napkins and a new cup for you."  I continued to eye this the new customer up and down as I went to go grab a new cup and napkins.
"Here you go, again I'm so sorry that happen, my head is somewhere else today haha." Great now I really knew I wasn't getting a tip today. The old man shewed me away. I turn around and notice the attractive man is now a few booths down was looking at me. I blush and make my way down to him to take his order.

"Hi my name is violet, what can I get started for you?" I felt my hands get sweaty from being so nervous around him, like I said this never happens, seeing such a hot guy in such a small town.
"Hi violet", he said with a small smile. he said my name holy shit wow. I smile back. "Can I get a coffee and a water for right now?"
"Of course!" Okay Violet calm down don't scare him away you freak.
" I'll get that right now and let you look at the menu." I walk away and I quickly get his coffee and water as I'm eager to get back to him. Why am I so excited to see him or be around him? I don't even know him? Okay Vi take a deep breath and chill the fuck out. "It's just a normal day, it's just a normal day." I whisper to myself repeatedly. I soon find my way back to him and I place down the coffee and water.

"Have you decide on anything yet, or do you have any questions?"

"Uh I think I'll have pancakes with a side of  bacon please." He looked up from the menu his gaze met my eager eyes. Wow his eyes were a bright green, they were absolutely beautiful.
"You have really pretty eyes" I smile then I mentally freak the fuck out. DID I JUST SAY THAT? WHAT THE FUCK? WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?? "Sorry" I shyly smile at him and laughs and gives me a bright smile.
"It's okay, thank you."
I pick up his menu and tell him I'll put his order in right now. I mentally face palm myself as I walk away. Now he thinks I'm weirdo, nice going vi! Way to go and embarrass yourself in front of a cute guy! I go to the back of the kitchen and take another deep breath and begin to pep talk myself. "You got this bro, it's just another guy, no biggie at all." IT not just another guy, this guy is sooooo cute. Cute guys never come in here so when there is one I get  nervous from the surprise of seeing men that don't have wrinkles or are under the age of 50.
"Ding!" The bell snaps me out of my thoughts as an order his ready. I brush off my nervousness and make my way to the window to get the order. I make my way to his table and yet again our eyes meet. I give home a small smile the set down his food. " Is there anything else I can get you?" He shakes his head and says, "Nope I'm all set, thank you violet." Holy shit he said my name AGAIN. I smile and walk away letting him eat in peace. By now there's a few more new customers so I begin my routine of taking orders and refilling coffee once again.

Every once in and awhile I look over to see if he's doing alright. I would stare for too long and he would catch me and he would just smirk. I just continually embarrass myself! About 30 minutes later  I make my way back to his table.
" Do you want more coffee or water, or anything else?"
"I'm good actually, thank you. I'm ready for the bill." I smile and nod and make my way to the cash register to collect his bill. I prop it up and place it on his table and state, "Whenever you're ready; feel free to take your time." I walk away and take another tables order and make my way back to the kitchen to put it in. I come back to the front and notice that the absolutely gorgeous man had slipped in his card and is ready to pay. I walk by and pick it up smoothly. Yes Vi way to go look at you be smooth! I ring it up and bring back a receipt for him to sign.
" Here you go! Have a wonderful day." I smile and blush a little as he looks up at me intently. He smiles and begins to sign. I walked away as another tables order was ready. After serving the other  table I hear the door open and just like that one of the most attractive people I have ever seen left. I do admit I was a little sad. I wish I had had the courage I ask for his number or even his name.

I walk to his table to collect the bill. He tipped me very generously and at the very bottom he wrote,
" Violet-
You also have very pretty eyes :) let's hangout 310-679-4423
- Paul."

HOLY SHIT IM SCREAMING INTERNALLY. HOLY SHIT. h o l y s h i t.  He gave me his number.

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