{2} i am alex

891 27 22

for willnebigmuscles i love u arthur thanks for asking for this

also sorry if how i write these are like......weird?? they're very obviously not like usual x reader fics, wherein i don't use "y/n" or anything like that bc it kinda disturbs my writing i feel?? so uh. die mad if u don't like that


It's almost suffocating in the crowd with how close the crowd is right now. It's a small venue, nothing like the O2 or some place like that, so there's bound to be some close contact between the crowd and you.

You don't really know who's playing honestly; there's a man on stage, decorated in a giant pair of JNCO jeans and what looks like a ski jacket straight from the 90s, playing his own variety of electronic-pop sounding music that's unidentifiable to your own ears with the group of screaming girls next to you.

You lost your friends sometime ago, gone with the promise of some drinks or going to the bathroom and inevitably getting swallowed whole by the crowd, which extended to the farthest reaches of the room quite impressively.

The drink in your hand is getting warmer by the second, undoubtedly from the swarm of bodies constantly moving around you, and you consider backing out of the hyped sea of people for a breather – and maybe another drink.

It's probably for the best, you think, and you turn to the easiest route out of the crowd. It's fine, and the sight of the clearer side of the room near the bar is drawing nearer. It's then that it comes crashing down on you, almost literally when a small lad suddenly turns and spills his drink. Thankfully none of it lands on you and the only collateral damage was maybe his fingers getting soaked in vodka and lemonade, as well as the smallest part of the floor beneath his shoes.

"Sorry," You rush out quickly, loud enough that the man looks up with an almost disgruntled expression. "Fuck, sorry, didn't see you there."

The man's expression clears, shifting to a sort of considering face as he squints in the shadows at you. "It's alright," He shrugs, a smile appearing on his lips after. "Just a drink, innit?"

There's difficulty in making out what he says when another song starts up, and the man who looks a bit too young to be at an 18+ concert gasps before shouting a lyric to the song.

"You sure you're allowed to be here?" You ask, only partially joking at the man's young appearance. "I didn't know they allowed Year 5's into this place."

Thankfully, he laughs, and your attempt at a joke doesn't get taken seriously. "I'm 20," He shouts at you, "Despite literally everything about me." He gestures to himself, at the pink hoodie he's wearing which suits him a little too well.

"I'll believe it when I see it," You say, eyeing the drink that's brought up to the man's mouth. "Can I get you another one? Since I spilt that one."

Maybe it's a cheap ploy to talk to this boy more. Maybe it's an excuse to get to know him, or something. He seems to notice it, looking down at his drink which still has half left in the glass, and probably doesn't need refilling just yet. But he looks back at you anyway, tongue wetting his lips before he nods with a shy grin.

Like it appeared to be, the bar area is quieter than the rest of the venue, probably out of consideration to the bartender when ordering drinks. But it's relieving anyway, like you can breathe once you're not surrounded by people from all sides.

"I'm Alex, by the way." The man says to you once you're both situated at a seat near the corner, further from the rest of the people.

You return the sentiment and watch his lips upturn at the sound of your own name.

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