Chapter two

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I shovelled another Oreo into my mouth, not caring for the traditional twist it; lick it and dunk it. It was Monday lunchtime and I was sat with Derek with an open packet of chocolatey goodness at my side. The Oreo's were quickly dwindling in numbers as I thought back to last Friday. A scowl was permanently etched onto my face as I remembered what they said after I asked them what the surprise was.

"It's not important right now: we won't be telling you as of yet."

So basically, they kidnapped me for no reason... Let's not mention the fact I went with them willingly shall we? I remember I had named the driver 'Bob'. He was speaking the most part and 'the driver' wasn't exactly a sufficient name for him. He should be happy, I could have settled for 'Snuggluffagus' or 'Shmoopie'. Either name wouldn't be suitable for the head Troublemaker. I'm going to assume he was the leader anyway: the two kiddywinkles at the back didn't say anything. Apart from the princess of darkness who would give her input every now and again.

Bob was quite interesting and certainly the most informative. I had noticed he had a little scar on the left side of his left hand. It wasn't anything too drastic, only a little cut down the side. He probably got it when he was younger. I only noticed when he adjusted his wing mirror while he said the surprise 'wasn't important'.

I didn't talk to them much after that. It's not like I'd have a friendly chat with them. I remember how my curiosity had simmered significantly to the fact I wanted to be back home and wished that night had never happened. Thinking back to my new bedroom, I sighed. Could I really call that place my home yet? I still consider my humble abode our apartment we had back in London. It's just that I won't ever be going back - maybe on occasional trips. But I think mum and dad would much rather take a two week holiday to somewhere much more sunny and satisfying.

"Keep that frown up and your face will stay like that forever," Derek grinned. However, his smile faltered when he realised I wasn't returning the gesture, "Hey, what's up?"

I would tell him, I really would. But, there's one reason why I'm not going to tell him about my midnight adventures: they told me not to tell anyone. I'm not scared of them, they actually seem like decent people, I just don't want him to go blabbering his mouth to everyone about my secret. I get enough attention as it is (being the new girl), I don't want any more of it. Though this school's attention levels to new kids has been quite tame. I'm sure it'll die down even quicker than normal.

I scanned the school field while munching on another Oreo before replying, "Nothing, just a bit distracted, that's all."

The students of Rose Field and Rose Valley school were raving about the events of last friday. While pupils were literally kissing the ground the Troublemakers had driven on, the school's teachers were up in arms about the epidemic. However, they did find the antics of the student body highly amusing. Though, who wouldn't pay to see teenagers locking lips and grass tips with the ground? But, it didn't take long for the teachers (from both schools) to think they were over doing it a little bit.

Smiling lightly, he looked down, "Okay then, don't tell me."

"Don't worry, I won't."

Derek looked up at me through his glasses and frowned. He opened his mouth as if he was going to speak but quickly closed it - deciding not to speak his thoughts. No matter how hard he was going to try to persuade me, I wasn't going to spill the beans.

Quickly passing, lunch was finished in what seemed like seconds. Usually I would go to English and Maths, but both schools called an emergency meeting in the main hall. I walked in with Derek and we both took a sit near the back. There was a slight buzz going around the room as people gossiped about what this could be about. Most likely the Troublemakers. Like a blanket, silence covered the room as Mrs Walters - Rose Field's head teacher - took to the stage.

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