Chapter four

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After Nathan and I left the diner, we went our separate ways. Mum and dad were at the house when I got back - their ford was parked in the driveway. I had told them that I had a bacon and cheese burger in which mum wagged her finger at me. She had said, "No, no, no. That is too unhealthy, I want it.".

I told her I already ate and she told me to barf it up. I don't know whether I should be highly amused or very concerned. Most likely the former. I think dad had had enough of her behavior as he sent her to bed without her dinner. She was being treated like a six year old so she acted like one and proceeded to throw a tantrum. She had stomped her feet on the floor and crossed her arms over her chest like a child. After having a mini domestic, she pulled a blair witch - she stood in the corner facing the wall unmoving. She only trotted upstairs after I gave her a bowl of grapes.

Of course she still eats healthy even when she's not sober.

Dad and I sat down and shared a packet of oreos after she left. He asked how the painting went and how Nathan was in which I replied with a 'good'. I didn't need to go into details how we practically had a paint fight. I could already see the frown etched onto his. He'd probably sit on Nathan next time he'd see him.

He did that once back in London. We were at a friend's party when I was a little younger and all the boys were teasing me. Dad "beat them up" by sitting on them and tickling them. Bear in mind that the one he tickled most had a crush on me. I don't think he liked that. Lets just say the boy never talked to me again.

I was pulled out of my throughts as a body sat on the bench next to me. I turned to see Nathan. Derek was sat across from me and greeted Nathan with a handshake. Do people even do handshakes anymore? Well, I suppose they do.

"Hello, Jules." Nathan greeted me with a cheeky grin.

Dropping his jaw, Derek glanced at me through his glasses, "So he's allowed to call you Jules but I'm not?"

Before I could reply, Nathan beat me to it while a smirk rested upon his face, "Jealous much?"

"No." A faint tint of red filled Derek's cheeks. I turned to scowl at Nathan and slapped his chest with the back of my hand.

As I turned back to Derek, a smile was gracing my face, "I don't let him call me that, he's just being a stubborn mule," I gritted my teeth together and bit out, "Isn't that right, Natty?"

A little blonde haired girl plopped herself in the seat across from Nathan, "Ah, gosh. I remember when I used to call you that when I was two."

Groaning, Nathan banged his head on the table, "What do you want Soph?"

Grinning, Sophia sighed, "Ah, brotherly love, isn't it wonderful?" Changing her demeaner she sat up straighter, "But no, I don't want anything from you. I just came to spread my love to the world!"

Sophia threw her hands in the air earning a few curious glances. Turning around she growled at all the onlookers, "What are you all looking at?" As they looked away she tugged on the front of her shirt, "Yeah, that's what I thought."

Nathan placed his hands on his face and looked at his younger sister through the cracks in his fingers, "I thought I told you to stay away from the weed."

Eyes wide, Sophia gasped, "How dare you older brother!" She placed the back of her hand to her forehead - mocking a dramatic pose, "How could you not trust me?"

"Because you're an idiot."

"Your face is an idiot."

"Your butt is an idiot."

"Your toe is an idiot."

I looked at the two siblings who continued to bicker. When I glanced over at Derek he shrugged at me and continued to eat his sandwich. As much as they argued, you could tell they still love each other. I kept listening in to their conversation as they kept arguing. Though they didn't say they were arguing, they said they were 'discussing'.

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