1: Pirates in Hyrule

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   Link peeked around a barrel, to spy on the pirates. He had been tracking them for three days and had finally found them.
   A pirate with a long, tangled, brown beard unrolled a map. And started explaining it to the rest.
   "This is the dock. At aroun' noon, a shipment o' food'll sail out. Our ship will cross paths with it abou' two hours later. When we're close enough, ye two will take down our Hyrule flag," he gestured towards two of his crew. "Then put up our flag," he gestured towards another crew member, "Ya will disable the ship with the cannon before they can get away. The rest of ye will raid the ship and grab what ya can, then get away,"
All the other pirates said, " Aye aye captain," before discussing how long it would take.
Link smiled. He could either take them down here and now on his own, alert the other knights, or tell the king of their plans. Out of all options, he liked the first one best.
He made sure none of them were watching, then crept behind a closer barrel. Link noticed that most of them were wearing eyepatches.
Perfect, he thought, already planning to use their blind spots against them.
Just a little closer... Link spotted a crate right behind the captain. He slowly unsheathed his sword, careful not to draw attention to himself.
   Link held his breath, and made his way the the crate behind the captain.
   "Avast cap'n, some bilge rat try'n to stab yer back or other nasty trick," a tall pirate pointed out.
   Link froze while the captain turned around and unsheathed his blade. So much for stealth.
   "And who be ye," the captain growled, pointing a longsword towards Link.
   Link looked up at him, "I be better at vocabulary," Link answered. And with that, he attacked.
   He jumped over the captain and landed on the pirates head, then jumped again while the captain fell with a grunt.
   Link swung his sword at an incoming pirate. He spun around just on time to block an attack from behind, he pushed the pirate into a barrel of water and turned to attack the captain again.
   The captain straightened up, but Link wasn't  intimidated by the size. Link darted between his legs and kicked the captains back. The large pirate fell forward and his face hit the floor with a loud crunch.
   Link winced at the sound, but turned away from the captain to face more of the pirates.
   A while later, Link had gathered most of the unconscious pirates and tied them up. There were a few more to gather, he turned over a pirate and started binding his hands with rope.
   A floorboard creaked behind him. Link stopped to listen. He turned his head to look, but was knocked to the ground.
   Link yelped as he was pressed down by a heavy weight.
   He strained his neck to look at the person holding him down. It was none other than the captain. Link groaned.
   The pirates nose was definitely broken. Blood was dripping down his face. Link nearly gaged.
   "So, ye think ye can jus' walk in here and ruin me plans huh?" The captain spat. "Well yer wrong. The attack will play through, and ye won't be round to tell about it,"
   The captain lowered his longsword to Links face.
   Link flinched. "Y-you don't wanna do that," he warned, hoping to buy time.
   "Oh? And why's that ye filthy bilge rat?"
   Link swallowed. "Because I'm a knight, and if I don't return, the others will know something's wrong. They'll find out what you've done," Link explained.
   The pirate laughed gruffly. "Yer a knight? Ha! Ye can't be older than five,"
   Link glared at him angrily.
   The pirate captain leaned on his leg, his heel digging into Links back. Link gasped at the spike of pain and the captain laughed again.
   "I'd say it'd be time to end ya, ye devil child," the pirate drew his sword along Links arm.
   Link yelped as the cold blade pierced skin.
   The door to the storage house flew open and three knights entered. Two aimed bows at the pirate and the third, Links father, pointed his sword at him.
   The pirate captain snarled and grabbed Link off the floor, using him as a shield.
   "Leave or the boy dies," he growled.
   The knights didn't move or take their eyes off the pirate.
   Link bit his lip and ever so slowly drew a knife from his belt. He took his chance and dug the knife into the pirates leg.
   The captain bellowed and fell to the floor. Link grabbed the his sword and let the other knights take care of the captain and crew.
   He waited outside for the others to tie up the rest of the pirates.
   Links father exited. "Link, do we need to talk about this again?" He sighed.
   Link groaned. "No?" he suggested.
   His father closed his eyes for a moment, "Link," he took a breath, "You need to stop doing this, it's dangerous. I keep telling you to wait for or warn the other knights before taking action," he lectured.
   "I know dad, you've told me a million times,"
   "Yet you keep ignoring me. You can't keep doing this by yourself,"
   "Yes I can! I nearly had him!"
   "No, you didn't. You nearly got killed Link!"
   Link bit his lip.
   "Promise me you'll wait next time," his father said sternly.
   "But I-"
   "Promise!" He yelled.
   Link looked down.
   His father sighed. "Look. I need you to promise you'll wait for us. You can't rush into every fight you see without help. You may think you can do it but you can't. If you keep doing this, you'll rush into a fight that you can't win. I couldn't live with myself if you died Link. Promise you'll wait for help. Please,"
   Link closed his eyes. "Okay," he sighed. "I promise,"
   His father hugged Link, then helped the others knights take the pirates to the dungeon.
   Link walked to the castle to see Zelda. Maybe she'll understand. Link thought doubtfully.
   When he approached Zelda, he bowed slightly. "Hey," he greeted.
   "Hello," Zelda smiled. "Did you find the pirates you were looking for?"
   "Yeah! And I beat all of them. Some of the other knights distracted the captain and I took him down. The others are taking them to the dungeons," Link explained enthusiastically.
   Zelda raised an eyebrow, "You beat all of them," she confirmed.
   "Mm-hm," Link sounded in agreement.
   Zelda sighed. "Don't you understand that you can't work alone all the time? The knights are supposed to work as a team,"
So much for her understanding my side, Link thought.
   "You're not a one man army," she continued.
   "But I could be. If you just let me use the four sw-"
   "Link!" She pleaded. "You cannot use the four sword all the time! Only when it's necessary,"
   He bit his lip. "Well, how will I know when it's necessary?"
   Zelda thought for a moment, "You'll know when the time is right,"
   Link sighed.

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