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(Jins POV)
I'm beyond scared. I woke up with only an hour to get ready. Why did I hit snooze?! I can't call Jimin because he's working... I'm entirely screwed. I could call...but that'd be weird. But I need help...Ah screw it.

Hello? :???
Jin: Ah...uh hello Jungkook..I have a question.
Jin hyung! What's up? :JK
Jin: Can you come over? I need your help and no one is available right now.
Absolutely. Even if we had an awkward past that doesn't mean I still can't help a friend! :JK
Jin: Thanks Jungkook. You have my address. I need you here relatively fast.
I'm starting my car now Hyung. I'll be there in less than 5 minutes. :JK
Jin: Okay.
{Call End}

I haven't talked to Jungkook in a years. We kinda had a thing but it didn't last long. It lasted about a month but then I guess he got bored. He was too young to be dating anyway. I met him when he was 18 and I was 23 when we dated. It's been 4 years since we last saw or even talked to each other. The relationship was not very interesting. We never went on dates or had any intimate moments beside a few make out sessions. We never said that we should stop dating. We just stopped talking. I took it as a hint that we were done.


I heard a buzz at the door and I walked over to see a charming man. Wow he definitely glowed up over the years. I bet he thinks I look old.

JK: Hello Jin Hyung!

Jin: Hello. Please come in.

JK: Heh. I haven't seen this place in awhile...

Jin: Yea..it's still there.

JK: What?

Jin: The words you wrote on my wall. It's behind the picture of Jimin.

JK: Really?! No way! Haha Jin + JK = Forever. Wow what a throw back! Anyway Hyung. Why did you call me over?

Jin: Well...I need to get ready for a-

JK: A date? After 4 years you've finally found someone you like? I'm proud Jin.

Jin: Thanks..and it's more like he found me.. anyway I need help with my hair and makeup. Just like style it and some light makeup to not make me look like I haven't slept in years.

JK: Haha yea I got you. Just sit down. I'm assuming you didn't move anything around so I'll be fine with finding things.

Jin: No everything is the same.

I sat down in a chair I pulled from the living room. I heard him shuffling around in my bathroom. He came out with some eyeshadow and a curling iron. They were a bunch of Christmas gifts I never used from Jimin. He sat down and started with the makeup so the curling iron could get hot. I tried to make small talk to lift the atmosphere.

Jin: Sooo. How have you've been?

JK: I've been decent. I've been taking Piano lessons. I see my teacher in an hour. He's really nice.

Jin: I love the piano. When and why did you start?

JK: I started a few years ago. I actually started for you. But since we stopped talking I did it for personal reasons.

𝑾𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑵𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒔 • 𝑵𝒂𝒎𝒋𝒊𝒏Where stories live. Discover now