All That's Left

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I was running, running as fast as my legs could carry me. Branches made large cuts on my face; I could barely feel the hot blood running down. We were fighting an Alpha, all of us... Scott, Isaac, Boyd, Erica, Jackson, even Allison, and Derek. I heard his strangled, cut off howl near me. I heard no more whimpers or growls from the rest of the pack. As far as I knew it was just me now. Me, and the painful sound I had just heard from him. 

My body ached from the bruises and slashes that the Alpha had inflicted upon me. Through the twilight, I could see an outline of a body. It was Derek. His hands were bound together by rope and tied to a low-hanging branch above his head. As I got closer, the stench of blood was thick in the air, suffocating me. Something was in Derek's abdomen. A sword drenched in silver, gleaming under the moonlight. 

I cleared the last few trees and could see Derek in full now. He wasn't moving. Wasn't struggling. He was hanging by his wrists, head down. I took it all in and I felt the tears well in my eyes. He had been severed in half, right above his hips. Blood was pouring to the ground, a newly spilt river. I looked down at my shoes, their whiteness tainted by the red. My stomach couldn't stand it and I fell to my knees and retched on a dry stomach. All I tasted was the bitter sting of acid. I wiped my mouth as I stood up again. I walked closer to Derek, trembling. Tears now streaked my face, running down, hitting my shirt in a waterfall. 

I hoped to hell that this was just another nightmare, the kind I woke up screaming to. It felt different. I was sobbing now, hyperventilating, my voice becoming louder with each inhale and exhale.  

"No... No, no, no, no.." I fell to my knees, blood staining my khakis, then laid down, my knees to my chest, red covering the rest of me. I heard someone screaming, it was so loud, ripping through the forest, I thought it would knock all the trees down from where they stood. Finally, I realised it was me. My throat felt like it was on fire, but I only stopped screaming when I couldn't anymore. 

"Stiles?! Where are you?" Scott. 

I didn't want to answer. 

There were arms around me. Scott's arms. They were warm, abnormally so, ever since the bite. 

"C'mon, Stiles, we have to go.. Oh man, there's blood all over you."

I only curled up more where I laid, my knees now touching my forehead. 

"Stiles." Scott whined, his voice breaking halfway through.  

The next thing I know, I'm being picked up. I do not fight against it; yet do not welcome it. 

I take one last look at the man I once knew, now hanging, lifeless, the sword still there. 


I wake up and I'm in my bed. It's cold, but I'm sweating profusely. Scott is passed out in my chair in the corner. I look at the window farthest from my bed. It's slightly ajar. A code between Scott and I that lets me know that my dad has been told of the situation. I silently slip out of bed and close it.  

I go downstairs to the kitchen and open the fridge. I smell Derek's blood again. I'm no longer hungry. I feel small tremors run through my body. I go to the couch and pick up my mom's favourite blanket. It no longer smells like her, but Derek. I cry until I fall asleep again.  

My dad wakes me up when he starts looking for his favourite sugary cereal that I hide from him. 

"Dad." I say and his head turns toward me.

He sighs, "I'm sorry Stiles.." He scrubs a hand over his face. I can see the stress he's under as if it were a blanket wrapped too tightly around him. 

All That's Left (A Sterek Oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now