❈ Don't Break the Bed ❈

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Song: Lights On -Shawn Mendes
"The damn card isn't working!" Zach struggles to open the hotel door.

"Ok, just calm down," you try your key card but it's not working either, "Damnit!"

You're about to kick the door out of frustration, but Zach grabs you by the shoulders.

"Just calm down."

You roll your eyes as Zack comes in, "What are you guys doing? This is your room."

He points to the door on the right of you guys. Zach tries his card on that door and it opens right up.

"Oh, thanks, Zack."

"No problem. Have fun in there and don't break the bed like last time."

"It's not my fault that the bed broke," Zach exclaimed when you walked into the room.

"Yeah, sure it wasn't," you roll your eyes.

"Don't act like you didn't like it," he smirked.

"Yeah, don't act like you didn't like it," Daniel says as he pops his head through the door that connected the two rooms, "Trust me we all heard you last time."

You send an embarrassed look to Zach as he scratches the back of his head, "That was partly my fault."

The Next Morning

You turn around slowly making sure the bed doesn't creek taking in the sight in front of you.

"You're staring," Zach sing-songs.

"I'm not staring, I'm admiring."

"It's creepy."

"You know you love it."

The door opens and Jack walks in with his hand covering his eyes, "Tell me when you're decent."

"We have clothes on, Jack," you say confused.

"Oh," he says as he takes his hand down.

"Why do you think we wouldn't have clothes on?" Zach raises an eyebrow.

"Cause we... kinda... heard you guys last night," he replies as he checks the bed post.

You and Zach look at each and burst out laughing. Only you two will truly know what happened last night and why the bed broke last time.

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