❈ Locked ❈

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Song: Heaven -Julia Michaels
Valentine's Day. A day full of love, happiness. And disappointment. Love is a poison that you can't get enough of. Which in your case, came in the form of Zachary Dean Herron.

Intoxicating laugh, devilish smirk, soulless eyes; he had it all. February 14th was always his day.

Every year he breaks another heart, and you promised yourself you would never become one of his victims.

Despite your own agreement and countless warnings, you still looked up only to be captured by his deep brown orbs.

And, unfortunately, once you're locked in, there's no way out.

One date you told him.

This boy is poison you kept reminding yourself. You weren't going to let his looks and demeanor get the best of you.

But that's not how it works for Zach.

After dinner, he drove you home and walked you to your front door like a gentleman. You tell him you had a surprisingly good time and he compliments how beautiful you are.


He starts leaning in, and you couldn't help but mimic his actions.

Who would've knew that one innocent kiss would lock doors and leave clothes on the floor.

The Next Day

You shut your locker close as the warning bell went off.

As you walked through the hallways, you tried to ignore all the stares and whispers. By now everyone knew about your date with Zach.

After a night of love and passion, you woke up alone. You blamed yourself for being so naive, thinking that maybe he wasn't the guy everyone thought he was.

So lost in thought, you accidentally bumped into the devil himself and end up dropping your books too.


But you didn't expect him to help you pick up your things.

And asking you on another date.

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