Maddie friend was kidnaped!! Jordan's POV

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Wow that was amazing it so magical!! and she so....sweet and kind and crazy!! I'm so happy thats she likes me not just because she my biggest fan!

We finally stopped kissing

"Wow!"we both said at the same time

"I never kiss a girl before sides my mom!" eva laughed

"I never kisses a guy before......well exacted my worry it was on cheek i promise!" eva joked as i laughed we both just laughed for a bit

"So......want to kiss again!" eva asked

"Thought u never ask!" i said we started kissing again

"Oh....jordan the ladies man!!" Isaac thought (yep they Isaac, Cierra, beth, luna and Angela were watching them)

"Aww! i knew!!" Cierra thought

"Cierra i think we all knew that they liked each other!" Angela thought how can i hear here thoughts?

"Ew!!! get a room!!" Luna thought and how did i hear luna's too?

"Keep it down we don't them to know were here!" Bethany thought

"Too late!" me and eva said as looked up and saw them

"Oops!" Angela said

"Yah oops!" I said

"Hey now u know how i felt last night!" Isaac said oh yah we did do the same thing to Isaac. hey! what around comes around!

"Ok then well jordan hurt his leg and my teleporting powers don't work!!"

"Yah right! Isaac's powers works fine so does luna's, beth's,Angela's and mines!" i looked at eva she smiled and gave me the "u got me!" face

"Well that are we going to do about jordan's......wait jordan were u faking?" eva asked me i also gave her the "u got me!" face

"Yah but it was only because i wanted to spend mire time with u!" i said her face lite up

"Dido!" she replied smiling

"Aw!!!" Angela, beth, and Cierra said

"Ewwww just ewww!" luna said

"Shut up luna!! tell me that when u fall......i mean have a crash on some one!" eva snapped

(Time skips)

Bethany made a vine and me and eva climbed up and out of the ditch everyone started teasing me and eva so we teased Isaac and angel! And angela told us about that we can go crazy wen we get excited or even hungry that makes since i finally then suddenly i noticed some thing

"Um......guys......where's maddie friend!!!"

"What!! Maddie friend!! where is she!!" Bethany screamed

"Maddie friend!!! Maddie friend!!" Isaac scream like billy and we all started to look around we looked behind trees behind bush at the tops of trees at every cliff and etc....

"Wat do u mean? isn't she right here?!" luna said pointing to bethany so i explained to her and Eva that call Madison Maddie friend and why(im too lazy to type wat he said :P)

"Aw how cute did u come up with that ur self jordan?" eva asked getting all flirty with me and twirling her hair

"No....Isaac did." I said she seemed embarrassed

"Oh!" Eva said still twirl hair.....her beautiful! beautiful hair!!

(Isaac's POV)

As Jordan and eva were mindlessly staring at each everyone else was trying to find out how to find her....wen suddenly a chill went down my back...

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