IT'S A TRAP!!! Luna's POV

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Suddenly we appear in the woods next to a old black warehouse with 4 floor maybe even a basement. Isaac said that there was about 500 people in there and like 3-4 sup! And Maddison is on the top floor in some kind of prison or something.So we all slit up into teams of 2 and to find Maddie friend. Isaac,andAngel teamed with each other. Jordan and Eva teamed with each other.(huh i wonder why?)Of corse i teamed up with the crowbar queen! and since we had a odd number Cierra went with me and beth.Isaac said there was a 4 ways in. The front door ,the side door,the back door and a window... Cierra, beth And i when to the side door but it was locked

"Great now what!" Cierra said

"Hay look the window it's open!" i said as i pointed to the small window above it

"Yah but there is no way i can get in there its too small!" Bethany said

"Yep nether can i!" Cierra said i looked at it and examined the window maybe i can fit in it.

"Hey maybe i can fit?" i said

"Maybe... lets try to get u up there!" Cierra said Bethany made a vine rope and threw it like a lasso allowing it wrap around the pole above the window and tied one the ends around me. Cierra and Bethany started to hoisting me up to the window i crawled into the window into untied the rope around my waist.I was in a big room one was in there except me i's was also dark and creepy gave me a slender man vibes

"Hey! luna do u think u can go down stairs and unlock the door?" Bethany asked

"Maybe hold on one sec..." i said i heard a door open in the room and the lights turned on. I immediately hid behind the closest box i could find! I suddenly heard some guys walking and i hear muffled voices

"..ey....ben.....did u...see.....kid..."

"Yah......sad.."i crawled to the next box that was closer to the door i could hear them a little more


"Yah...!" hm..i wonder who they're talking about? Let me get a little closer

"man they think she's a sup!"Wat no way!! she is not a least i don't think so.....

"No way!! she's to small!!" Said a man in a black jump suit in a helmet to another one with another guy in a suit.

"I know right she's some powerful sups daughter.They already defeated her dad."said the other guy who seem older then the first cuz his voice is deeper

"Wat about the mom?"

"Oh she's not a sup she's a normo and she dying anyways!"

"Man she must be a threat then!"im all most at the door

"Yah....i'm not even sure the little girl is even a sup they nearly killed her a couple days ago."

"I can't believe they tried to drown her last time....but suddenly a four sups came and saved her!"

"Yah yah boss tried to stop them but some how they still saved her and i hear that they are extremely powerful"

"Yah! Yah!bob almost didn't make it back when he spied on them.."

"No man he wasn't spying was trying to kill them before they got there powers but i guess he failed! he almost died cuz they all when crazy and attack him at night! he has to use the super de-fan-dib-a-later on them!" Im one box away from the door

"Wow i'm scared now! what if they come to get the girl?!"

"There is no way they can find us he got rid of all memory of her in all of them!"

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