Chapter 3

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Miyabi, Sakura, and Mulan stood in front of the camp. Mushu was controlling Mulan on how to walk and act like a real man, which made her walk awkwardly. A lot of the men at camp were staring at her. "Beautiful, isn't it?" Mushu asked. "That's disgusting." Mulan cringed, seeing a couple of men picking their toes with chopsticks and some men picked their noses. "No, they're men." Mushu clarified. "And you three are gonna have to act like them, so pay attention." Mulan, Miyabi, and Sakura watched carefully. One of the men was showing a dragon tattoo to a trio of other men, a very skinny one, a short one, and a chubby one. The girls decided to have a closer look to study guys. "Look! This tattoo will protect me from harm!" the man with the tattoo boasted, feeling very sure of himself. The shorter man glanced at it, then punched down the tattooed man whose tattoo was proved to be a fail. The tall, thin man laughed at the downfall. "I hope you can get your money back!" "I don't think I can do this." Mulan moaned. "Coming here was your idea and there's no turning back now" Miyabi reminded her. "It's all attitude." Mushu coached. "Be tough like this dude here." The short man noticed their gazes. "What're you looking at?"

"Punch him." Mushu told Mulan. "That's how men say hello." Mulan punched the short man, making him bounce into the chubby man. "Oh, Yao! You made a friend." the chubby man told the shorter man, revealing his name. "Good, now slap him on the behind. They like that." Mushu advised. Mulan did as told. Yao let out a squeal, grabbing his butt as he noticed he was touched by the new people. He then grabbed Mulan by the collar, looking fierce. "I'm gonna hit you so hard, it's gonna make your ancestors dizzy!" Luckily, Yao was grabbed before he could hurt the poor girl. "Yao, relax and chant with me..." the chubby man held Yao close and rocked him back and forth. Mulan, Mushu, Miyabi, and Sakura eyed each other strangely as they watched this happen. "Feel better?" the chubby man asked. "Yeah." Yao sighed, then was placed back on the ground and glared back at the girls as they were about to leave. "Ah, you ain't worth my time, chicken boy..." he said directly to Mulan. "CHICKEN BOY!?" Mushu hissed, shaking his tiny fist. "Say that to my face, you limp noodle!" Miyabi and Sakura rushed to behind a bush as Yao was about to punch Mulan. He missed and ended up hitting the other men. Mulan rushed to the girls and they all ran away from the attacking man, nearly making a mess on the campground. The other men watched and looked at the fight. The men spotted the runaway girls and chased them all around the camp. The man suddenly fell like dominoes on the ground as they were getting food and the pot spilled several grains of rice. A new man came, he appeared to be the captain as he watched the mess and seemed cross. Each guy was fighting each other like children on the playground and the captain demanded to know what was going on and why.

"Soldiers!" the captain shouted at them, making them stop. The men stopped as Miyabi, Sakura, and Mulan were huddled together to protect each other from the aggressive fighting. "They started it!" the soldiers pointed to the three girls. "I don't need anyone causing trouble at my camp!" the captain scolded the three of them. "S-Sorry..." Mulan deepens her voice and stood up with the other girls. "I mean, sorry, you had to say that. But you know what it is when you get those manly urges ... just gotta kill something. Fix things ... a cook outdoors ..." "What are your names?" the captain asked them. "Uh... Umm... Uhh..." the girls stammered together, unsure of what to tell him. "Your commanding officer just asked you a question!" Chi-Fu prompted them. "We've got names, and they're boy names too..." Mulan tried to consider. "Ling! How about Ling?" Mushu offered. "His name is Ling..." Mulan whispered to the dragon about the tall thin man behind them. "I didn't ask for his name, I asked for yours!" the captain sounded impatient. "My name is Mack!" Miyabi said the first name that popped into her head. Sakura glanced at her. Miyabi elbowed her. "Oh, yes, his name is Mack. And my name is Wei" Sakura responded. "Good, but what about you?" the captain kept his gaze on Mulan, not leaving her alone until he learned her boy name. "Uh ... Ah-chu!" Mushu spoke up. "Ah-chu!" Mulan said. "Ah-chu?" the captain raised a brow. "Gesundheit!" Mushu laughed, wiping a funny tear from his eye. "I kill myself..." "Mushu..." the girls glared at him. "Mushu?" the captain asked. "No!" Mulan said. "Then what is it!?" the captain demanded. "Ping!" Mushu finally thought. "Ping was my best friend growing up!" "It's Ping." Mulan finally said. "Ping..." the captain repeated. "Course, Ping did steal my girl..." Mushu grumbled, folding his arms. Mulan grabbed him to shut him up. "Yes, my name is Ping..."

"Let me see your conscription notice." the captain held out his hand for the papers. Mulan reached in her bag and handed the captain the paper given to her father. "We were adopted." Miyabi covered up as Chi-Fu eyed her and Sakura strangely. "'Fa Zhou'" the captain looked at the scroll and looked surprised. "The Fa Zhou?" "I didn't know Fa Zhou had sons..." Chi-Fu seemed suspicious, instantly. "Er, he doesn't talk about us much." Mulan replied, then tried to spit like a typical man, but had trouble. "I can see why." Chi-Fu said. "The boys are absolute lunatics!" "Okay, gentlemen." the captain made an announcement to the troops. "Thanks to your new friends Mack, Wei, and Ping, you will spend tonight picking up every single grain of rice. But tomorrow, the real work begins." The troops mumbled at each other, then glared at the new 'boys' in camp. "You know, we gotta work on your people skills." Mushu told them. The girls sighed and went to clean up the camp before turning in for the night. "This is gonna be a lot harder than I thought" said Sakura. That night, the girls finally slept and they were in a tent with Mulan as Mulan's horse waited outside for them. The girls slept peacefully after their rendezvous last night, but hopefully it wouldn't mark them for life to defend their family honor. Crickey was even with them and slept on Mulan's head as they continued to sleep. Mushu grabbed Crickey while they slept and tuned it like an alarm clock and it went off, ringing loudly and annoyingly, making the girls groan.

"Alright!" Mushu called to wake them up. "Rise and shine, sleeping beauties! Come on, up, up, up!" Miyabi and Sakura woke up in annoyance while Mulan groaned and held her blanket over herself. "Get your clothes on, get ready!" Mushu called like a parent waking their child on the first day of school. "We got a big day ahead of us" said Miyabi. "We sure do" said Sakura. "Look, you get porridge!" Mushu showed a bowl of porridge with eggs and bacon forming a smile to Mulan. "And it's happy to see you!" Crickey seemed to like the food and swam in it to get a bite to eat. Mushu took it out with chopsticks in disgust. "Get out of there! You're gonna make people sick!" "Are we late?" Mulan asked. "No time to talk." Mushu said, stuffing her breakfast in her mouth. "Now remember, it's your first day of training, so listen to your teacher and no fighting, play nice with the other kids, unless of course, if the other kids wanna fight, then you gotta kick their butts." "But I don't wanna kick the other kids' butts." Mulan replied, muffling. "Don't talk with your mouth full," Mushu scolded. "That goes for you two as well." he looked at Miyabi and Sakura as they ate their breakfast and got ready to go. "Now, let's see your war face." The girls stared at him, unsure of what to do. "Oh, I think my bunny slippers just ran for cover." Mushu snorted. "Come on, scare me, girl!" Mulan growled, looking aggressive enough to make Mushu bounce back into the bowl. "That's my tough-looking warrior! That's what I'm talking about!" Mushu cheered. "Now, get out there and make me proud!" he tied up their hair together to look professional. Kahn came in, neighing and warning them about something. "What do you mean the troops just left?" Mushu asked. "THEY WHAT!?" Mulan gasped. Mulan, Miyabi, and Sakura quickly dashed outside to catch up with the others. "Wait, you forgot your sword!" Mushu called, running after them, then stopped and sniffled. "My little babies, all grown up to destroy people..." Crickey chirped and patted his back.

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