KAPITEL 3: some sweet coffee

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Pov Jeongin

,,Are you sure this looks alright?"
Jisung asks I.N. with a kind of anxious voice.

,,For the thousandth time, yes you look good. Minho already made you hickeys when you were in your comfy clothes, so chill already and stop worring so much."
Jeongin mumbled while being on his phone.
,,Can we finally go now?"

,,Yeah give me one moment"
He fixed his hair again and the number of times he has done that in the last few minutes is uncertain.
Jeongin stopped counting at 20.

,,I didn't see you like that for a long time hyung, being so excited because of a date"

They then headed to the café together.
Yes together.
Ji mentioned that Minho was also bringing a buddy of his.
After a short time, they finally arrived at the cozy-looking café.

Primarily, Innie just came along because his shift here was supposed to start in 15 minutes anyway.

Ji joined Minho at the table. Up to just now, a really good-looking guy was sitting with Jisung's date.
Jeongin assumed that this might be the buddy Jisung was talking about.

,,H-hey, so you are Minho's friend?"
Innie asked chary and perhaps even shyly.

When he looked at him, all he saw was perfection.
That guy really has no flaw at all.
Smooth brunette hair, a sweet smile on his soft-looking lips, casually but fashionably dressed and he also had a fucking cute dog with him.
And yes, dogs are allowed in this café.

,, Yeah but you can just call me Hyunjin"
he gently smiled and god that looked so adorable.
,,And I'm guessing that you are Jisung's friend, am I right?"

,,Yep, that's me and my name is Jeongin, nice to meet you."
Jeongin looked at the floor kinda embarrased.
,,Uhmmm hyung do you maybe want something to drink or anything else?"

,,I'm actually just waiting to be served, but yes I would like to drink something"

,,Then give me a moment, my shift will start soon anyways."
He quickly changed into his work clothes in the break room and went straight back to Hyunjin to take his order.
It will take a while for the two lovebirds to come to a decision anyway.

,,I think I'll have a Frappé, so basically some sweet coffee"
he grinned at him.
It was cute how he looked when he did that.
I definitly need to see him more often, so I can get my daily base of cuteness, Jeongin thought to himself.

Innie made the asked for Frappé and brought him his drink.
,,I hope you like it, enjoy it hyung"

He then turned his attention to the lovebirds Jisung and Minho and took their too.
The rest of his work went as always. Always something interesting happening but also because of that kinda exhausting.

By the way Jeongin got a special snapchat add from a special cutie ;)

Pov Jisung:

He quickly became shy under Minho's gaze, which was very unlike him.
His date made him to such a shy human being, this was so confussing for Jisung.
Do you know how pretty those eyes are?
Ji could stare at them the whole day if not even longer because of how beautiful they are.

,,So you also quite enjoy rapping?"
the blond haired guy asked the other one in amazement.

,,Yes and I also really love to dance in my freetime"

,,Maybe you can teach me a bit if we can find some time for that"
the smaller one of the two suggested and if they could spare some time for doing their little dance meeting, they would probably meet at the brunette's house.

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