Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I didn't move. I didn't know what she was talking about. The lady behind her seemed harmless. Or was she?

Reyna kept pushing me to go. But I was too awestruck at the beauty of the lady to do anything. Then the lady gave me a sickening sweet smile.

"Hello, dear. Welcome to C.C's Island. Would you please come with me to my room?"

I nodded slowly, still staring at her. She chuckled.

"Wonderful. Reyna, please lead him to my room." Her tone was still sweet, but it included enough menace to become ice cold. I don't know how anyone could possess that voice, but she did. How could such a beautiful woman have such a voice?

Reyna was beyond frantic. "C.C, please-"

C.C's reply was a glare. "Change of plans. Reyna meet me in my room right now." Then she pointed another random girl who was supposedly another assistant of this island. "You, make sure this boy doesn't leave this island."

I was suddenly scared. Who was this beautiful lady and why did Reyna tell me to leave? What was going to hurt me? Why wasn't I allowed to leave this island? I stayed with the assistant, not daring to move. My stomach rumbled with hunger and I started to think about the Oreos in my boat. Finally, I tore one of the many packages and ate 3 at a time. That earned me a glare.

Oh well, not that I care what she thought.

When Reyna returned with C.C, she was looking more frightened and helpless than ever, while C.C was smiling brightly, in contrast with her cold mood before.

"Alright. You can come with me now." She said cheerily. "But first, what is your name?"

"L-Leo," I stammered.

"Okay dear, please follow me."

I didn't want to follow. My gut told me this woman was dangerous. And my gut was usually right. What can go wrong though? This place seemed safe, though it was a bit unusual that there were no males here...

If anything goes wrong, I guess I could set her hair on fire! I mused the thought in my mind as I followed her, with Reyna trailing behind.

When we reached her room, I couldn't help but look around. It was simple really, the only attraction was a large, antique spinning wheel and a cage full of guinea pigs. I was disappointed, to be honest.

C.C motioned Reyna to leave and close the door. She did so solemnly. Then, C.C turned to me, she eyed me up and down, almost..diapprovingly.

"Is something wrong?" I said uncomfortably. "And what's with C.C? Is that like the initials of your name? What does it stand for? Coca Cola?" The questions just bursted out of my mouth. I was surprised I added a joke in the end, even in the time of a tense situation. 

A strange smile curled on her face. "Oh, you'll know what C.C stands for soon." Absentmindedly, she dismissed it and went and sat down on a chair in front of a spinning wheel. "So," she continued, "have you ever thought of anything....that like, you know, you wanted to change?" She continued spinning the thread. 

I immediately tensed at this. All my humor drained out. Staring intently at the women, I wonder what she was trying to get at. She was obviously restating the sentence 'what do you think is wrong with you?' in a nicer way. 

"Well?" Clearly, she was unaware of the rudeness hidden behind that question. It was as if she asked it everyday. 

"I don't understand what you mean." I said uncomfortably. 

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