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Charlotte POV

We all let go of the board -except Annabeth- and stood up.

"Fools" I heard a voice behind me say.

I screamed, but I was unable to move. I felt a hand in mine and I was being dragged away.

My legs moved on there own, but my brain was on shutdown.

Somebody made me duck down and we were now cramped down in a little space.

I felt hands cupping my face and forcing me to look at my rescuer, or killer.

I saw benjamins soft features and i started crying, her pulled me into his embrace.

"I don't like this joke" I whispered.

"Me neither" He said, his voice slightly muffled.

We were in a small closet.

"Don't hide" It's haunting voice could be heard from the inside. 

I was shaking, fear blocking any reasonable thinking i might have had.

 The closet door opened and I thought I was going to die.


So... some horror finally came, it isn't a lot but it's something. (I guess)

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