Maybe There's More to It

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"Hey Angel" I hear Louis before I feel his arms around my neck. He never stopped calling me that since that day and I cant say I mind.

"Hi Louis" I smile back before continuing my path to lunch. We've always sat together with our friends Niall and Liam though I'm closer to Niall and Louis is Liam.

As we approach the table we see the blonde waving his hands and obviously fired up about something.

"Hey guys what's going on?" Louis asks before taking the seat next to Liam.

"He ate one of my chicken tenders!" Niall points accusingly at Liam and both Louis and I begin giggling at how serious the blonde is.

"I swear I didn't." Liam defends himself as he tries to avoid the glare of the Irish teen.

"He probably ate it and forgot." Louis accuses as he gets up to presumably get lunch. "What do you want angel?" Louis asks me and I still blush at the name when he uses it around our friends. Both of them know that there's nothing between Louis and I but they still get surprised by the closeness of our relationship.

"Just a ham and cheese." I rattle off my order to him and he nods as he walks to get both of our lunches.

As soon as Louis is out of earshot Niall turns to me with a look i can only describe as mischevious.

"So does he know yet?" Niall asks and Liam leans in closer as if I was about to reveal some unknown secret. I look to him confusingly before Liam chimes in.

"I think the better question is do you know yet?" Liam asks and I look between both of them while shaking my head in confusion.

"What are you two talking about?" I furrow my eyebrows and try to make sense of what they're asking me.

"Oh come on it's so obvious!" I jump at Nialls outburst and Liam throws his head back in exasperation.

"I still have no idea what you guys are asking me." I chuckle in nervousness as I spot Louis finishing his transaction for our lunches.

Niall leans in closer, if possible, and to anyone else it would look like we were a couple in the middle of a fight. "Whatever you say angel." He states and I shift nervously at the teasing tone he uses my nickname.

"I just wish I had a best friend who gave me cute pet names and made me blush every ten seconds." Liam adds on and I begin to get what both of them are hinting at. Sure Louis and I's friendship has always been odd what with the cuddles, and pet names. But that's just who we are and who we've always been.

I look down and pick at my fading rolling stones shirt before answering them both, "We just have a strong friendship is all." I mutter and look up to see both of them giving me an obvious 'that's bullshit' look.

"Why don't we just test out that theory?" Niall says before quickly running over to Louis' previous seat next to Liam just in time for him to reach our table carrying our lunches in his hands.

"Hey lad's what are we talking about?" Louis says before setting our food down and plopping down next to me, obviously unfazed by the new seating arrangement.

Before I can try to come up with an answer Liam speaks up, "Just movie my place. Tonight actually, you both are coming right?" Liam asks in relief and I sigh in relief for his quick thinking and begin to pick at my sandwich. Nialls' smile widens at the idea and you can almost feel the excitement radiating off of him.

'Yeah I was gonna bring snacks if you two wanna bring blankets a pillow." Niall wiggles his eyebrows suggestively at me while Louis is too busy opening a bag of chips.

"Sounds good to me I might be a little late though, gotta help daisy with her math." Louis agrees.

"Don't worry we'll wait for ya." Niall states before attempting to steal one of Louis' chips only to have his hand smacked away.

"Hands off leprechaun!" Louis glares while Liam tries to stifle his laughter.

"Oh and Angel?" Louis turns to me while Im chewing a bit of my food.

"Yeah?" I ask

"Save me a spot will ya?" Louis asks then winks not waiting for my answer before wrapping his arm around my waist and talking to Liam about some girl who did something embarrasing or whatever. Im too focused on his arm around my waist and when it started feeling different. When did it start making me feel warmer to be closer to him?

"I blush before leaning into him slightly and continue eating my sandwich while trying to keep up with wherever the conversation is leading.

I catch Niall's eye which causes him to suggestively wink at me and me to blush.

They just don't understand. We just protect each other. Thats it.

Hiiiii so I truly think I'm falling in love with this book. I have so many ideas and I can't wait to show them. Please read, vote, comment all that good stuff. Love you all!

~Avi xx

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