When will you see?

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I'm about to lay down in bed before I get a text from the group chat. We all started it about a year ago with me, Louis, Niall, Liam since we're usually all talking to each other any way.

Niall: Who's up to skip Monday?

I roll my eyes after reading the text. Im not sure how Niall is passing all of his classes seeing as how he never seems to be doing his work. 

Me: Didn't you just get back from your little vacation?

Liam: We have like 3 tests tomorrow

Niall: That doesn't count. I was visiting my nan and she smelled like moth balls 

Niall: Louiiiieeeeee. please tell me you're more fun than these two

Louis: It's Louis asshole 😑

Niall: Whatever, you down to come with?

Louis: Is Angel going?

At this point the name doesn't faze me but the fact that he wants me to go makes me a little flustered.

Me: I don't know Liam's right, we do have tests tomorrow

Niall: Guys come on! this is junior year they pretty much want us to skip 

Liam: I don't think that's how it works....

Louis: Guys why don't we we take a half day?

Niall: That sounds like a good compromise

I read Louis' text knowing hes only agreeing  because he hates maths.

Me: Louis!

Louis: Sorry angel💕. But itll be fun pleaseeeee

Liam: I refuse to follow you scoundrels

Me:  I dont know.. what if we get in trouble?

I start biting my nails, a bad habit I picked up a few years ago. Louis usually reminds me to stop before I actually do too much damage.

Niall: Harry come on! If Louis is going I know you'll want to be there.

My eyes widen and I sit up at that text. I feel my cheeks turn red and I look up at the ceiling. Why does Niall hate me?

Liam: Very true

I immediately stand up and toss my phone on my bed. God they're trying to ruin me! I know that Louis and I have always had a close relationship but for some reason him seeing these is just..no

I walk across my room to my bathroom and go to the mirror. My cheeks seem permanently red which I blame solely on Niall and Liam. I didnt have time to wash my hair since I woke up late this morning which means my hair is greasier than I would prefer. I look at my eyes in my reflection and they seem darker than the usual bright green and my skin more pale. I already miss the summer when it wasnt raining every single day.

Since we still lived down the street from each other Louis and I would take turns popping up at each others houses and going on walks. He always complained about how his feet got sweaty and I learned to stop suggesting socks and just let him have his moments.

I look back into my room and reason that I eventually have to get my phone. I pick it up and put in the password: 0928

*Flashback 12 years old*
"Hey Louis?" I ask

I look over to him from his bed where hes sitting on the floor reading one of his comics

"Yeah?" He responds

I scoot closer to the edge of the bed until I have a clear view of him.

"How come your mom isnt married like my mom?" I ask.

His brows furrow and he looks conflicted before answering.

"I guess because my dad left so they're not married"

I look at him before nodding and leaning back until I'm laying back down staring at the white ceiling.

"I think I wanna be married" I hear him shuffle around until the bed dips beside me and hes sitting up and staring down at me.

"I think I will too eventually" He grabs one of my curls and starts twisting it and i can see hes thinking about saying something.

"What's on your mind boobear?" I ask teasingly, I break out in an instant smile and he nudges me and rolls his eyes. Hes hated that I call him that ever since him mom let it slip out one day.

"I was thinking about how scary it is to be married"

I look at him and think about what to say before an idea pops into my head.

I spring up and get off the bed and trot over to his desk across his room. I plop down in the black chair and it squeaks from years of use. I pull open the first drawer and rummage around until I find what I'm looking for.

"What are you up to angel?" I hear him ask but I'm too focused.

I find pull a marker from his little cup and use it to make the shape I want them to be.

"One second... and done"
I gather them up and walk over to sit next to him on the bed.

"Here" I hand him what was once a paper clip but thanks to the marker is now a bumpy circle shape.

He takes one and holds it up in confusion

"What's this?" He asks

"Well things are less scary once you practice, so why dont we practice being married. I tried to make it look like my moms but.."

He looks at me then back at the paper clip

"Oh it's a ring!" He immediately slides it onto his finger with ease since it's a little big

"Yeah see we put one on our fingers, say something about each other  and then we're married!" I say in excitement as I slip mine into my left ring finger.

"Okay hmm" he says as he thinks about what to say

"How about you go first?" He says to me and I look around the room as I think about what I should say.

"Ooh okay um I'll marry you because you have really cool comics" I say to him and he smiles at me as his turn comes up next.

"Thanks Angel." Okay and I'll marry you harry, because it rhymes" he smiles to himself and I laugh because of course that's what he says.

We adjust our rings and then look at eachother in silence.

"Well that wasnt so bad" He says and flops back against his pillows.

"Nope, now you can do it for real" I say as I pick up the comic he left behind earlier.

He sits up against his elbows and looks at me.

"But what if their name doesnt rhyme with Marry?" He asks with a serious face

I break out laughing and shake my head at his question.

"You'll think of something Lou"

*End Flashback*

I open the texts to see that Louis responded

Louis: Angel please?..

I look down at the text and sigh because they all already know I'm going with them

Me: Fine I guess

Louis: Yay! Knew you'd come around. Also guys I might be a little later than I wanted since phoebe is having a hard time.

I read the text and remember that we're all supposed to hang out tonight. I pad over to my closet and get a fresh jumper with a worn pair of black jeans for after my shower.

Niall: Okay see ya then

Liam: Okay

Me: We'll be waiting

God why do I even.. ugh. I put my phone onto my nightstand and go into the bathroom to start the shower. I feel like its gonna be a long night

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2021 ⏰

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