Chapter 6-

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Chapter 6

A/N Let me know what you think!

Erik's Point Of View.

I watched as Sara ran straight into the house. I honestly dont know why i bought it, all i know is that i couldnt bare to see her upset anymore, it broke my heart to see her cry or the hurt she had tried not to show. She was being so brave, me and all of the guys knew that i just wish she would let me in, i want to take care of her. I followed her into the house and smiled at how big the smile on her face is. "So the plan is we leave everything how it is apart from the guest room which will now be mine" i stated and she looked shocked at me. "You dont have to keep it all the same Erik, you didnt have to do this" Sara said looking straight into my eyes. I was lost in her blue ones until i realised that i needed to actually reply, "I know i didnt Sara but i wanted to. I care about you and i want you to know that if anytime you want to come here you are more than welcome, even if im not here" i stated finding the spare key and placing it into the palm of her hand. I looked back up to her eyes pausing a second when i got to her lips. "Thank you Erik this means so much to me! Thank you" She exclaimed and before i could realise what she was doing she stood on her tiptoes and placed a light kiss on my cheek. I immediately blushed and smiled, the place where she had kissed was tingling and i let a small smile grace my lips trying not to show that if effected me too much. 

We had been sat on the settee for two hours Sara was telling me about all of the things her, Marco and her Grandad would get up to when they were younger. If it wasnt obvious by now i would have been able to tell that the three of them were really close and that Sara really loved her Grandad. We were laughing about a story she had told me when i noticed she was looking at me curiously, i raised my eyebrows at her as if i was questioning whats up. "You know it seems ages since i have laughed like this?" She asked quietly. I tilted my head to the side signaling for her to carry on, "I always seem to be laughing with you Erik. Thank you for everything" she said and i could tell she meant it. I gave her a big smile and bit my lip, "Sara after i bought the house i came in and moved something in the guest room and i found this, it was under the bed, i guess we missed it when we were trying to help you pack it" i said getting up and fetching the letter that i found. She looked shocked when she saw the writing, "do you want me to leave you alone to read it?" i asked unsure and she quickly shook her head. Before anything else happened she grabbed my head and pulled me down so i was sat next to her and as much as i wanted to ignore it, i couldnt ignore the electricty shooting up my hand as she still held it. I definitely liked Sara.

Sara's Point Of View

As soon as Erik gave me the letter i recognised the handwriting, i looked up at Erik and he gave me a small smile which gave me enough support to open it. Erik is honestly the best guy he has been a rock to me. I took a deep breath and opened the letter pulling the papers out, there were two, one for me and one for Marco.  

Dear Sara, 

  Hello my little duckie, i hope you have been looking after yourself! I guess if you are reading this then i am gone, if not then dont read on! I just wanted to tell you how proud i am of you. You have overcome so much in such a short amount of time, you now have your dream job and have some great friends. Also a new love interest? I know you are probably blushing right now but i can tell when you have a crush on someone young lady and i know that it is Erik Durm! Good choice he is a great defender! I remember when you had a crush on Max who used to live next door you both must have been about 14 and Marco got annoyed because you wanted to let Max hang out with you but Marco didn't like him. He's a good guy you know? He kept check on me when you moved to Munich, he is like a Grandson to me which is why i wrote him a letter too. I know what ever happens you two will remain great friends because you care about each other too much for anything bad to happen. Once again you made me proud when you went over and saved him when he sulked because you two had got in an argument. This prooving once again what a good girl you are. 

Now whilst we are on the subject of a specific football team and your friends within that team, i have two things to say, firstly, you need to make sure they win every game! Keep supporting them! Keep going and good luck with your new job! Secondly, I got a chance to talk to Sven and Erik when they came to get you. One thing i did pick up was how much Erik cares about you. Don't get me wrong i think they both do, but i noticed that Erik's eyes would light up when i said your name or the fact that he had a smile on his face when he saw the pictures of you as a baby. (Im sorry duckie but i had to show them!) There's something about him Sara and i know you would like what it is. I think you two are made for each other, i dont know what it is i just have this hunch. Give him a chance Sara, hes one of the good guys. Not one of the ones that i warned you off. I think you would be great together Sara but it is your decision. Whatever makes you happy. psst...I spoke to him about it and he did own up to saying that he thinks you are beautiful, that he likes you and he would like to have you as his girl, but dont let that sway your decision young lady. 

Lastly, I need you to know that i am with you every step of the way, just keep on as you are doing and remember i will always be proud of you. Sara, you are the best Grandchild that i could have ever had. I just wish we got more time together, but dont worry we will meet again and you can spend time with your Nanna too, it will be like the old times. But until then my dearest Sara, be happy, stay strong and if you need any advice just follow your heart, that way you will have no regrets. 

Good luck with your life little duckie. I love you loads. Love the best Grandad ever x

P.s. I did sign it as that because i am just too cool Marco told me! xxxx 

I finished the letter and looked up at Erik i didnt know what tot hink about first, but the main thing in my head was that Erik wanted me as his? I turned looked at my hand which was still holding onto Erik's I sat the letter down on the table in front of me. "Erik?" i asked and he immediately perked up and said "yes?" i looked at him and took a minute to think about my Grandads words. "Did you speak to my Grandad about me?" the minute i said that Erik's eyes widened and i could see his cheks start to go pink. Im guessing thats a yes! Before he had the chance to reply though My phone went off telling me i had a text:

From: Marcyy

Hi i miss you :(( Kidding! We are playing Fifa in a bit so if you arent doing anything get your asses home! love ya x

I showed Erik and he seemed to perk up because the text had saved him, but i already had my answer. We got ready and made our way home, when we pulled up outside Marcos house we sat still for a bit. "Erik i know you spoke to him its ok and by the way im starting to like you too" I jumped out the car but turned just in time to see the big smile on his face. Could It be that me and Erik are made for each other just like Grandad said? 

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