Twenty Four

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Brooklyn Davis
Alyssa Rogers
Eliza Carter
Anastasia Foster
Remington Nelson

Anastasia: okay gurl this is getting 
quite ridiculous

Alyssa: I agree with ana dude

Brooklyn: what are you  guys talking

Eliza: you and jonah you dipshit

Brooklyn: what about us

Anastasia: well you clearly like him
and he clearly likes you

Alyssa: yet you two keep denying it

Brooklyn: did you two plan that

Eliza: don't avoid the question brooke

Brooklyn: I don't know guys it's just 
playful flirting 

Remington: did you not see his
comment on your post fool

Brooklyn: I did

Eliza: that right there is not casual

Brooklyn: we haven't even met for
goodness sake

Anastasia: well that's cause you aren't
making an effort.

Brooklyn: what do you mean 

Alyssa: you know goddamn well that
you can go for their NY show when
you're in Virginia

Brooklyn: I don't know guys

Remington: stop second guessing 

Alyssa: for once stop being the responsible
mother and do something for yourself

Brooklyn: what if he doesn't like me in 
real life. He's a superstar and I'm just
a basic youtuber

Eliza: NO stop it you do this every time
a boy gets even remotely close to you

Alyssa: stop being picky

Remington: and for the record you are a
beautiful women. YOU ARE A MODEL

Brooklyn: thanks guys but I'm sure all 
tickets would be sold out by now

Eliza: don't worry about that just leave
it up to me

Alyssa: guess we're going to a concert

Anastasia: YAYYYY

Brooklyn: what would I do without you

Remington: probably live a very SINGLE
and lonely life filled with absolutely no

Brooklyn: oi

a/n guess Brooke and Jonah are finally going to meet. How do you think Eliza is gonna get the tickets(tad bit obvious).What do you think about the chapter. Let me know. Hope you enjoy this chapter. If you did enjoy it please vote,comment and share.

p.s thank you soo much for the 200 reads. It is absolutely unbelievable. 

The Best Kind of Mistake I Jonah Marais I *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now