Thirty Three

811 9 1

Operation Bronah

Daniel Seavey
Jack Avery
Corbyn Besson
Zach Herron
Brooklyn Davis

Brooklyn: what the hell is

Zach: a group chat duh

Brooklyn: no shit sherlock

Daniel: this is to keep you
updated on the situation

Brooklyn: ah

Corbyn: so we're like 2 hours
away where you at right now

Brooklyn: literally just arrived
and now I'm checking in

Jack: we'll text you when we
 get closer then just like come
 over to the hotel

Brooklyn: ok boys see you in 
2 hours then

Daniel: see you then brooke



Brooklyn Davis
Alyssa Rogers
Eliza Carter
Anastasia Foster
Remington Nelson

Brooklyn: I'm actually nervous

Remington: what for

Alyssa: gosh remi you really
are stupid aren't you

Remington: what do you mean

Anastasia: she's meeting Jonah
today you dipshit

Remington: ahhhh forgot that
was today

Alyssa: I give up on you sometimes

Eliza: moving on why you nervous

Brooklyn: IDK i'm meeting him for
the first time

Brooklyn: what if he's different in 
real life

Brooklyn:what if he finds me 

Anastasia: calm down brooke

Remington: if he doesn't like 
you the he is a idiot

Alyssa: you've always had our
backs so now we have yours
so don't worry

Eliza: he hurts you and we 
coming in for the kill.

Brooklyn: Thanks guys I really
needed that

Anastasia: no problemo

Eliza: we're here whenever
you need us

Alyssa: so don't hesitate to 

Remington: where are they
 now anyways

Brooklyn: about 2 hours out
of new york

Brooklyn: I need to get going
and start settling in so bye girls



Remington: TOODLESS


Anastasia: just had to ruin it didn't
you liza.

a/n  um hi. I'm really sorry about the lack of updates. I won't be able to update for another week because my exams aren't over yet. Once they finish I'll come back to daily updates. Hope you're happy with this. It was kinda rushed cause I felt bad about not updating for so long for you'll. If you did like it pls vote, comment and share.

The Best Kind of Mistake I Jonah Marais I *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now