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Hai there guys hope you like this chapter sorry if it sucks and also if the plot sucks too sorry im gonna rewrite it but oh well bai!




"Huh" i look around then at that the first time ever i felt pain my head began to hurt like hell. "What is this". i asked as i heard voices. "Its fine now get up". I looked up to see two me but one had completely black while the other was white. "What the hell"? i said as i stood up and walked back. "Listen please dont freak out we will explain you some parts but someone in the outside will explain you the whole situation." The girl that was me but dressed in white while the one dressed in black just gave me a cold glare. "Tsk listen you are not normal, your special and unique." The one dressed in black as she came to me. "What do you mean 'special'" i said as i looked at them curious. "Me and her are you but we balance your power." the one dressed in white said, "So the headaches and black out i get is because of you guys". i said as i looked at then furious, "No your power is doing all this, since your back your powers have been awaken when you first hit that person." the one dressed in black said. "Look please just tell me what powers do i have". I said impatiently as i eyed them and was feeling annoyed. "Oi maybe we should just leave and let you deal with this." the black dressed one said as she noticed my annoyance. "Calm down, you were born normal but as you were just a baby you have been experiment on and have been given powers." she said as she looked at me with her white clear eyes. I just nodded and let them continue. "Its called Scrap but you have a different version of power than Aoba". She said as she made everything that was black into a white room. "Aoba? what does he have to do with this"? i asked curious of Aoba and this so called power. "He has scrap also but that destroys a conscious, rather than you can destroy them but rebirth them or save them" the other one said that was dressed in black. "You can brake into someone else's mind with your conscious," but just as she was gonna open her mouth the other one interjected. "Or you can use your voice to command them, remember at Mink-kun place, when you yelled stop they did". i looked at them like there crazy. "Haha i must be losing my mind, this isnt real". i said as i began to chat those words but as i did the one dressed in black came. "This is real, and actually we are one but we separated ourself so we could talk to you, now our time is up." as she walked back she looked over shoulder and then said. "Someone will come and explain everything hope your prepared". she said smirking and at that, i began to scream as the pain in my head began to hurt. "Ahhh". I fell to my knees as i squinted to see the girl in front of me combined into one person which now she looked like me but had this smirk on her face. After that i fell to the floor unconscious.

(Back to reality)

"*Gasp*" as i woke up all i saw that i was in the living room, As i barley breathed i saw someone else there, "Hello Ami". at that i saw a girl who had long white sliverish hair has her red eyes popped out, just as her light skin shimmered. "Urgh W-Who are you"? i asked as i eyed her then everyone else. "I see she talked to you so you know half about this whole thing and my name is Nana Hirano ". she said smiling at me while sipping on her tea. "You are a mistake Ami" she said as she set her cup down on the table while her words were repeating in my mind. "What"i snapped back at her angry. "No sorry your mother marrying that monster was a mistake, its not your fault but mu sister never knew that bastard would do that to you". i looked at her confused. 'I had a mom'? i asked myself but she coughed making my head snap at her. "You see your mother was name Amaya, we both lived in a village not far from here but it was tradition village, thats where you probably remember meeting Mink". she pointing at him while he looked at me then back at her. "Your mother was my sister so im your aunt, but i have only a glimpse of you as baby, then you just disappeared. But then i leanred, you came back i tired to find you and see if i could help you but its too late now, you didnt know but me and your mother came here looking for a job. Thats when we met Toue, we knew all about science and the human body. So we took the job and we got started." she said as she was taking another sip. "And thats were i meet Tae-San. We became good friends and we chatted from time to time. But one day as i was coming there i heard that Amaya was in a relationship with Toue. I disagreed on it but she never listen. So as i left her alone, but as they days went by we both me and Tae-San that she was pregnant and thats where you were created." she said gazing me gentle but had sadness in her eyes. "So i didnt ask because we have to do this important research about something, but as we leaned more about thats where we found out that Toue used our research to create Aoba and Sei. They were created as twins but as we did Aoba didnt make it." she said looking at Aoba as back to me then Tae-San was sitting next to Nana my aunt looking a bit guilty. "Its true Aoba you were created but i felt bad that you didnt survive so i took you and i was gonna give you a proper burial but then you began to breath, so i left you at a nearby church, but fate brought us together again as your father and mother brought you here so i received you into my life" she said smiling but i just felt Aoba aura getting gloomy. Then my aunt spoke, "So when Toue found out about Aoba being missing that was when you were born. But at the moment you were born he used you instead on experiments. He succeeded but as my sister your found out about it, she became heart broken and one day took you and left. That was last i since you two guys." she said as she finally set her empty cup on the table as i looked at her crazy. "So your saying my mother fled with me because my father did experiments on me and made me like this." i said as i got up angry and annoyed. "Wait Ami please its true, you know it you saw it in your memory. You witness your mother getting killed by your father Toue, you are his long lost daughter and you or i cant change that! But becareful he knows your alive and here so he is on the hunt for you" she said in a pleasing voice, but before i could answer something clicked in me which made me grin. "You think me or Ami will believe that bullshit come on now Aunt Nana"! i said as i raised my hands and placed them on my hips. "Like you said i was a mistake but thats fine i was here for Ami and only me" i said grinning, "Haha now that changes, If he wants me then he can catch me" i told as i laughed and scoffed. As i turn to make my leave, someone grabbed me. "Ami snap out of it". Aunt Nana said shaking me, which brought me back to reality. "Ah" i said as i blinked and looked at everyone. "Mastah"! Clear said as he jumped on me making me stumble. "Your not a mistake". he said as he hugged me tight and i just sighed and hugged him. "Im Fine Clear". i said as i ruffled his white hair. "Wait if Toue is looking for me doesnt that mean Aoba to"? i asked Aunt Nana curious. "Yes, he wants both of you for your powers, Ami believe me your mother protected you because she figured it out that Toue all used you to gain more sources". she said as she lifted her arm. "I was also tricked into being Toue experiment, Luckily i help Tae-San escaped with Aoba but i was going to when they caught me and used me. As months past i had enough and made my escape and went back to the village but as i did. All i saw everything was burnt" she said frowning. "So i hid myself till Tae-san contacted me about having you here". she said as she came towards me. "I...finally get to see my beautiful niece." she said as she broke down in tears while hugging me.


As i went out in the balcony i sensed someone there. "Koujaku whats up"? i asked didnt need to turn around. "Huh how did you know it was me?" He asked as he leaned over the rail. "I dont know just a hunch". i said as i shrugged. Then as i took all the news in i just laughed. "Haha i cant believe im a freak, no im a monster". i said as i looked at my hands that were shaking. But Koujaku grabbed my hand and looked at me. "No your not Ami, you never chose that so dont blame yourself." he said as he looked at me gentle. "I guess" i said as i looked the other way. But he grabbed my waist and brought it towards him. "Koujaku"! i said in surprised, "Sorry i cant help it, since i saw you, i was drawn to you and i cant stop thinking about you". he said as he grabbed my chin and leaned over and kissed me. This one was different from Aoba's and Mink's he was gentle which made me response to him without thinking. As he grabbed me, he picked me up took me in closed the door and sat me on a chair, as he slipped between my legs, as they were dangling. I slipped my arms around his neck supporting myself as he put his hands on my hips. We were locked on, we couldnt separate. I couldnt i didnt know why, this is making me more confused than ever. Even making me feel wrong about this but yet so right. As he cocked his head the other way, all i could feel was that i had to stop before it gets worst. "Mmm"! but i couldnt he placed his hand behind my back pushing me towards him. As i tried to resist, i felt being melted in his arms. 'Stop Ami' ' Stop Ami, Stop ami Stop Ami, STOP AMI!' At that i broke off the kiss panting for air, he looked at me and blushed. "Im sorry, im gonna go". before i could say anything he left. "Urgh this is getting confusing First Mink Then Aoba and now Koujaku!" i yelled in frustration but then as i turned around i was being grabbed and muffled!


Haha lol Ami is gonna have a hard time choosing she is gonna live but if you want vote my chapter than comment to see who you want Ami to be with bai!

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