You sit there like nothing ever went wrong
You think the air is clear because it's been so longBut deep inside I still hurt a bit more
You seem to want to leave me alone but what for?So I act brave and show no emotion
When it came to love I should've took cautionLove at a young age isn't for the faint hearted
But yet.. we stay strong and we haven't departedI think about you day and night
And when I see you we some how fight..I never wanted our love to be this way
I just hope we can be happy and fixed on day.My love for you still continues on
Even if your love for me has gone.I get the feeling you want that's fine
Because I get the feeling your love was never mineI fear the day you bring someone else home
Say you love them and leave me aloneCould an open relationship make us last??
Would this be the answer to stop my heart breaking this fastMy heart breaks faster than you can read the words I wrote down
My face you see nothing but a frownMy eyes so blue and full of tears
Deep inside anguish and fearsMy demons swimming in an ocean of regret
Of a time i wish I could forgetHow my whole world was focused on you
But now you've gone.. what will I do?I can't cope with living anymore
So.. I just hang there a metre from the floorFrom the tree where our initials are placed
Oh how all the fear and anxiety I facedHow they won and now I'm hanging there
How very little people think it's not fairBut how the others couldn't care less
But you know what I'm dead because my life was a messOh how this poem made no sense to anyone who reads it
But it's emotional that you have to admitBut now we are coming to an end of space to write..
Who ever reads this things are gonna be alrightYou are in a constant battle that may take a while to win
Just know you're strong and throw those blades in the binGo talk to someone even if it's a friend...
It will stop you from a grim endMy life was fucked up and yours could be as well
But friends can help I wish I knew that before I went to my own hellJust know that times will get cruel
Just know you're worth it and you will ruleRule your own life and and protect your soul
Stop the demons make it your personal goal.This isn't me saying goodbye because I'm dead
It's me saying I'll still be there while you rest your headIn your dreams I'll still be there to be brave
Even if I am laying in my graveThis has been too long now I must go away
I will see you soon. See you another day.