chapter one: starbucks

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CHARACTERS: (for just this chapter)

Michael Clifford: as himself

Luke Hemmings: as himself

Selena Gomez: as Haylee Winters



i walk outside of my hotel, along with luke and get in the car, deciding to go to starbucks.

a reason behind why i chose starbucks.

there's this girl.

she always comes to starbucks, alone, on tuesdays. every tuesday.

today is tuesday.

i've never talked to her, though.

i get too nervous.

but i plan on changing that soon. maybe next week, but probably not today. luke's with me today. i want to be alone; i want it to just be us two. to make it more special for the first time i talk to her.

about 10 minutes later, we arrive at starbucks. we walk in and i see her; as i expected to.

we walk up to the counter and luke orders first, then me. i order and tell the cashier my name.

after we get our drinks, we sit at a table across from each other.

i look over at her for a while not even noticing how long i looked for.

"staring hard there, michael. something interesting?" luke teases.

i blush.

"why don't you go talk to her?" luke smiles.

"i will," i reply, "sometime."

he smirks, "why not now?"

"what-no," i protest.

"c'mon clifford."


"that a yes?" he lights up.

"no, it's a whatever," i answer.

he sighs and points to her table, which she is beginning to leave from. she picks up her keys and phone.

i instinctively get up and walk over to her without even thinking about what i'm doing.

i'm standing in front of her awkwardly, her looking at me with wide eyes.

"uh hi, i'm-my name is michael." i blurt, regretting my choice of even walking up to her.

"hey, i'm haylee." she replies, smiling.

"uh, i see you a lot here and i just decided to talk to you. wait, no that sounds creepy-just nevermind" i blush.

she grins, "no, no, it's fine. um you want my number, maybe? so we could talk later; i really have to go right now or i'll be late for an appointment, i'm sorry."

"sure, that'd be great," i hand her my phone and she puts in her number, and vice versa.

"there you go. well i need to leave now, sorry," she smiles.

"okay, talk to you later i guess," i say.

"bye," she smiles and walks out the door to her car.

i spin around on my heel and face luke.

he wiggles his eyebrows and smirks. "ooh, mikey got a girl!" he pokes my arm.

"shut up, luke."



Heyy! so I decided to write a new fanfiction. it's a Michael fanfiction, and I picture Haylee as Selena Gomez but call her who you want, I guess. this will only be in Mikey's POV the whole time, sorry if that's a problem, but anyway hope you like it and sorry if it sucks or if I spelled anything wrong or anything like that. if you do like it though, please vote.


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