Darkest Peru

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The room was so dark that Sherlock hardly believed his eyes were open. He stood up and slowly walked forward until he reached a wall and then slowly made his way around the perimeter to get an idea of the size of the room and any furniture in it. It was a small room with a bed and some furniture in it and had two doors. He tried to open both doors but they were both locked. He looked around the dark but still saw nothing.

It was Rosie's first day of school and John waved her off. "Why isn't Sher sher here?" She asked. "He wanted to but he has a really important case right now, now you have a good day ok" he said in response. As he went home he checked to see if Lestrade had texted him with any news. Nothing new. Somehow the public had caught wind of the fact that Sherlock was kidnapped and that he and John were in a relationship. When he arrived at 221B Baker Street there was press everywhere. As he took a deep breath he stepped towards the crowd. "Dr Watson what can you tell us about Mr Holmes' disappearance?" "John Watson what can you tell us about your relationship with your flat mate?" They asked as he tried to get to the door. "Go away all of you, you should be ashamed of yourselves" Ms Hudson voice shouted through the crowd. "The poor mans just lost someone close to him and now you're bombarding him with questions!" She continued and pushed through the crowd to let John through.

As John got in the door Ms Hudson closed it behind her and he felt a wave of relief. "Thank you" He said as he glanced back at the door. There was another card and John quickly picked it up. There was a series of numbers on the card and a teddy bear. "What do you think that means, is it a phone number?" Ms Hudson asked. John looked at it but his thoughts were interrupted by the voice of Jenny. "What's going on, is everything alright?" She asked. "You've heard the news no doubt, this is supposed to be a clue" Ms Hudson explained. "Sorry Jenny, I should get this to the yard, ta" he said before opening the door and hearing the crowd once again.

The yard seemed more tense than normal. No one was talking while working and the break room was louder than Big Ben. John walked through to DI Leastrade's office in the hopes that he could help. "John you look exhausted, did you get any sleep?" Greg asked as John appeared in his doorway. "No but I did get another clue card" he said as he flopped down into the seat near the desk. Greg took the card and placed it onto the desk before he turned to John "get some sleep, for Sherlock". He called in Donovan who was passing by. "Can you drive John back to 221B Baker Street?" He asked as he looked to John who was to tired to even argue. Sargent Donovan sighed at the sad sight of him before leaving the room with John not far behind.

John sat in the car in silence. He needed Sherlock, he needed to help him. He couldn't sleep, not last night and not now, every second was ticking down to Sherlock's death. John could barely think about that. He refused to think about that. The sound of loud voices outside told him they had arrived and he regretted having to listen to any more of the insensitive questions of the press. "Alright clear off, anyone working for news papers or channels will be arrested and fined if they are found near this residence again!" She shouted, immediately quieting the cluster of people. "Well go on then, now" she added and they all disappeared back into the crowds of London.

"Thank you Sargent Donovan" John said as he approached the door to his flat. "Sally, just call me Sally" she said with a smile. She was just about to get back in the car when John spoke again "you don't like Sherlock, never have so what's the sudden change?". "Because you helped me realise that I was wrong about him, you brought out the humanity in him that no one else could see" she explained "The part of him that he didn't want anyone to see, you were like a treasure map with on x on the spot that points to his heart, I sound stupid so I'll go now, goodbye John Watson". "Goodbye Sally" he waved as she drove off in the police car. Then it clicked.

John unlocked the door and rushed up the stairs. He burst open the door to the living room and grabbed his laptop. He typed in google maps, making several errors as he did so frantically. He pulled out his phone where he had a picture of the card and typed the numbers into the location search. John took a deep breath as he waited for it to load. The image showed the whole of Peru was highlighted. "Peru, why Peru, there's no way Sherlock is in another country" John muttered to himself. He had hoped to finally get something useful but this clue was just as vague. He decided to text Greg with the details and then feel asleep where he sat.

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