The Stranger

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And here I am again. Rambling under the pale Moon, like I'm waiting for some mysterious event to slap me in the nape. But what is this exactly that I want to see? Could it be a better world without all these rotten people? Should I assume it's something out of a nightmare?

After all these days I've finally found the answer. I was craving for them ages ago, so why do I realize this just now?  What's blocking my consciousness to the point, where I forgot the fact that I'm also a human being, and that it's pulling its responsibilities with it.

- Hey little girl, are you alone? -a deep manly voice whispered into my ears on a sketchy, manipulative tone-

I stood on the freezing cold streets for a while, and gently put my left hand on my heart. It felt like it didn't even move, like I was long dead. I sighed and my eyes dropped down to the ground.

- As you can see... -I answered with a bored behaviour-

- A young lady like you shouldn't be in such a dangerous neighbourhood. -the man's giggle echoed through the quiet streets-

Dangerous? I've been walking around for a whole hour now and he is the first creep who came by.

- Yeah... That's what I would expect, but here I am feeling like a dead fish again. When was the last time my heart rate raised, or when I felt warmth inside here? I can't recall those times any more. -I sighed again and reached for my pocket-

I felt a tiny bottle and slowly slid it out. How many times did I use it already and still no difference in my mood. Even the slightest treble would do it for now...

As the bottle opened, I calmly lifted my hand towards the man's face and sprayed it directly into his eyes, -or at least to the direction where I thought it would be located- but when I looked towards the way I thought the voice came from, there was no one... Not a single soul around me. The streets were all quiet and chilly, even the air stopped flowing as I cluelessly stared at the dark space, what embraced me at that moment.

- What the... -I asked myself, but before I could continue it, a quiet laughter sounded from one of the darkest corners-

Immediately, I glanced away, where the sound's owner should have been located, but it was way too dark to see anything from the distance where I stood.

The laughter stopped and I pulled out my phone, as I walked towards the previous noise. I turned on the flash light, but soon after, I realised there was no one around me. I didn't hear stepping sound or breathing. Even the tiniest movement could reach my ears in this quiet place. -I thought- But there was no evidence that anyone would be there.

- Oh, still no reaction? Such a funny child you are. I guess I'll stick with you then. -he giggled again, but this time it felt like it's coming from right in front of me-

- Am I hallucinating? -I mumbled with a confused expression-

I looked around once more, but after waiting for five more minutes -in case the sound would come back- I headed back home and closed my eyes as soon as I fell into my bed.

So I finally lost my mind? Should I just talk with the school's psychiatrist?

***next morning***

- Excuse me Mister Brown, can I bother you for a second? -I glanced at him, as I already was on my way to sit down-

- Sure, what's your name? -he asked me with a biggest smile I've ever seen in my life-

- Kami... Kami Grey. Yesterday evening I heard voices in my head, but there was no one around me. -I explained as simple as I could-

- You're quite straight forward, little lady. -he laughed and stared deep into my eyes, with excitement- Maybe it was caused by intense fear, weren't you afraid in the dark? -he asked me like I'm some complete idiot-

- Hehe~, aren't you such an overly intelligent man, Mister Brown? I've never thought you would come up with this conclusion, such an outstanding idea! -I gave him a fake smile and then immediately fell back to my dead fish look- Does my face look like I had a trauma? Please consider using your brain cells while treating me. -I glared at him, with annoyed eyes-

He seemed quite shocked, but thanks to our little pre-conversation, he started to ask me questions with the actual intention to treat my problem. Eventually he didn't get closer to the truth, considering the fact, that this was the first time it happened to me, and I didn't even have any emotional breakdown beforehand, so he told me to come back if it happens again and he'll send me to a psychologist.

At last, I thanked him and left, so I could attend to my second class. I'm a pretty decent student, so I gladly accepted the idea to just go back straight after we've finished our dialogue, not like I could have done anything more at that moment. My condition was fine so I walked towards the stairs what led to my class on the forth floor.

But unfortunately some random "gangster" like student made the second floor quite noisy. I have no idea why they always felt the need of bully others, with that manner what they've obviously stolen from a movie.

As I stepped out of the scene, I got distracted quite directly by whatever it is within me or inside my head.

- Aren't you gonna help? -the deep voice asked with a chilly, joyful tone-

I turned back first, thinking it was one of the bullies.

- Would it make any difference? -I put my hands into my pocket as I glared at them-

They all looked at me and let the guy run.

- Got a problem with us? Why don't you just go back inside your class without putting your nose into other's business? -they threatened me with clumsy acting skills-

What...? But they were the ones who asked--- I stood there for a second when I realized it wasn't them. It was the same voice from yesterday.

- Nice work Kami, you've officially saved the boy! -it echoed in my head once again as he mumbled like a maniac-

- No way... This can't be a hallucination. I can feel its resonance inside me. What are you exactly? -I asked him while covering my ears-

- What are you mumbling about? You're lucky you are a girl... Now go the hell out of my sight! -the bullies commanded me as they walked away in peace-

- You're going to be grateful for my presence pretty soon. I assure you about that. -he laughed with creepy vibes once again and I didn't hear his voice on that day any more-

What exactly this creature is? And what is he talking about? Why would I need him?


Thank you!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2020 ⏰

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