Chapter 37: Now What

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When Mel gets home, she is so angry she is shaking. She paces around her apartment. "What the fuck?!" She yells out loud. She picks up her phone and goes to text Sharnice.

Mel: You good? A few minutes later Sharnice responds.
Sharnice: Yeah thanks again.
Mel: Still don't want to talk about it?
Sharnice: There's nothing to talk about. About to go to bed. Good night. Mel starts to text back, but then decides not to and puts her phone down. She looks around and then decides to text Vincent.

Mel: Do me a favor and check the outside camera at Defrost for this evening.
Vincent: What am I looking for?
Mel: I don't know.
Vincent: Okay.... what time?
Mel: I don't know. After 5 and before 8. Sharnice was acting weird when I picked her up. Just wanna know if anything happened.
Vincent: The cable guy was there to put in new cables.
Mel: Was Robert there?
Vincent: I'll check.
Mel: Thanks boo.

Mel throws her phone on the bed. "I hate lying-ass mother fuckers," she says with disgust. The next morning, Mel walks into work and goes into the mailroom.

"Hey, sis," Sharnice greets.
"Why the fuck are you talking to Terrell? And why are you asking James to cover for you?"
Sharnice sits down. "He said I had until tonight."
"He didn't tell me. I saw Terrell's phone records weeks ago, and you said you had nothing to tell me. So, what the fuck is going on?"
"You knew and didn't say anything?"
"Girl, you better not try and turn this around. He trying to fuck you or something?"
"Mel, I would never."
"Is he?"
"What's going on?"
"He needed money."
"You don't have any."
"Mel, I gave him a small loan."
"How much is small? Why and what for?"
"Mel, I just want what is best for you." Sharnice stands up and walks towards Mel. "You deserve so much more."
"What and for what?!" Mel demands.
"So he could leave."
"What? You gave him money to leave me?!"
"It wasn't like that."
"Whatever. Leave me the fuck alone." Mel turns to walk away.
"Mel, please."
"Fuck you."

Melanie leaves the room and walks into the general area. Vincent sees Mel is upset and waves her over. "Not now." She goes into her office and closes the door. She sits behind her desk and exhales. Vincent opens her door. "What the fuck do you want? I said not now." She cries.

"Dang, girl. What happened?"
Mel sharply stares at Vincent. "Can you please get the fuck out of my office please."
"Until you need my help again? No." He takes a seat in front of Mel's desk. She rolls her eyes. "What did you find out? Is he sleeping with Sharnice?"

Mel covers her face, puts her head down on her desk and cries. "I'm sorry. Is there something I can do?" Vincent gets up and walks around to hug Mel's shoulders.
"I don't know if they are sleeping together. She says they aren't, but she-" She lifts her head and wipes her eyes. "-she gave him money to leave me."
Vincent looks surprised. "That bitch."
"She says he isn't good enough for me."
"He isn't but, that isn't her decision."
"I hate him. I think I hate her, too."
"No, you don't. That's why it hurts."
"Vincent, I need to think. I really want to be alone. I appreciate you, though."
"Okay." Vincent gets up. "What she did was wrong but don't cut a bitch, okay?"
Mel almost laughs. "Thanks, Vince."
"Come talk to me before you leave today, 'kay? Oh yeah." He gives Mel the envelope he is carrying. "This is a snapshot of two men entering and leaving Defrost yesterday. I don't know 'em."
Mel nods and takes the envelope. "Thanks, Vincent." He leaves her office, closing the door. Melanie opens the envelope and sees two different blown up photos of the men that entered Defrost last night. "Who the fuck are you guys?" She asks. She picks up her phone and calls Mike. A few minutes later, Mike and Abel are in Mel's office.

"Who are these guys? Do you guys know them?" Mel asks.
Mike looks at the photo. "Nah, I'm going to say no," he says.
She shows it to Abel. "You?"
Abel looks at the photo. "Oh shit, that's that stupid ass ni-guy, man, dude that was in here when Sharnice started trippin'."
"What?" Mel asks confused.
"I don't forget faces. He was the one in here that Richard brought in. He started trippin'."
"What is this, Mel? Why you asking?" Mike asks.
"Just wondering, they came in here after closing."
"Nah. He needs to stay the fuck away," Abel insists.
"Look into it," Mel tells Abel. "Find out where he works or whatever, and tell him not to visit anymore or else."
"Or else," Abel repeats. "I got you." Abel takes the photos, and he and Mike leave her office.
"I don't know what she thinks this is." Mel shakes her head and sits.

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